We received the Passport Request via e-mail this morning. I went into more detail over the last week on the Buffalo thread, but in summary:
-We have a very straight forward application (in my opinion at least)
-We are Canadian/American citizens
-Neither of us is naturalized (i.e. we were born in our respective countries)
-No prior marriages, both in mid-20s, Christian, Caucasian (I don not know if that makes any difference)
-No children
Our status changed from "In Process" to "Decision made" on e-Cas under the Permanent Residence category on August 16th.
They may have dispatched a letter. If they did, we have not yet received it. My husband (the applicant) only contacted Buffalo via e-mail last week to inquire as to what "decision" has been reached. I (the sponsor) had contacted them previously by e-mail on a different matter entirely. My understanding from the forum is that Buffalo will only contact you by e-mail if you have previously e-mailed them.
My husband e-mailed Buffalo again yesterday to inquire, noting we had not received a response to his e-mail nor a letter in the mail. They responded that they would not respond to his e-mail for 28 weeks if it was in "normal processing time".
Then, as you know, he received his PPR this morning.
Happy Days!
Feel free to ask any other questions you may have. I will try to help the best that I can.