The application was sent on Jan. 15th, and yes, it is outland. They received it on the 21st.
I took some family leave from work to come visit them in the US.
I should mention, however, that we had originally sent it all in back in September, but it got returned. But since I was already down here visiting, it took a little work to get it back to us.
We got the errors fixed (one photo wasn't signed, and they had told us two different stories about whether my wife could wait on the medical exam due to pregnancy), and re-sent it on the 15th of Jan. So they may have already been working on my app for several months. We just received the message on the CI site that a decision was made on my sponsorship, but we've not got our hands on the letter yet, so we're not sure what the decision was. Tried calling the out-of-country number, but they weren't accepting calls to speak to anyone.
I'm hoping the decision is good news.....can't think of any reason why it wouldn't be, but it's hard to trust in a government operation, I must admit. We've been burned before.
Crossing everything possible, and praying......