yeh i know tht we shud take the things in +ve ways but there is only 1 person at enquiry counter to answer the people n he also who used to check the guys doc who have interview n allow them to go so tht person will stay there on tht window n on tht seat for interview guys n if not, i dont think 1 person can change there speed, the only thing i can think of is they dont want people to disturb them, but if sm 1 is in problem only then tht person is going there its not so easy for all of us to go nd which is far away frm our home n then waste our whole day by standing outside in a bigline in such a hot weather......just imagine sm1 who hasnt receive his ppr n case is in nd frm 6 month, nd is not replying his email(which is normal), wht tht person will do...?
think abt those cases where people went nd n came to know tht only thing nd is waiting for is there medical n after a verbal fight with nd guys when those nd guys look at there record found tht medicals was with them n was there mistake.....wht will happen in tht kind of cases now...
this is not just end there r numerous cases like these where cases were delayed bcoz of nd n when people reached there then nd woke up n started working on them but now there is nothing i can see tht we can do to wake them up.......
other then the option u told us only option is if we think tht they will sart answering every email then personally, thts not possible bcoz then they need hundreds of more people n i dont think nd will do tht i mean they wont think to replace 1 person by hundreds of people .........

this is a v bad news u may not understand it now but may b later
guys i m really frustrated bcoz of this news
now we have to go to mp everytime n when nd will start getting too many enquiry email frm mp they will start ignoring there emails too as like they do with
CanadiansWife said:
Guys look at the positive side, maybe they stopped taking personal enquiries, so they can use that time to work on everyones application, so it can go faster and timely?? That's the only good reason I can think of