Hi all....
I just found sometime 2 post after 2 long weeks since i was really busy with packing stuff and gettin ready for my travel...My baby landed edmonton on sep 20th 2.30pm (canada time)....evrything went well expect me n hubby got terribly sick with fever cold n cough...seems like v acquired some viral infection so it was hard 2 manage here wid d baby...Landing was so short n quick for d baby but had to stand in a long queue at calgary airport since we were d last to come out of aircraft since v were waiting 4 d stroller...we travelled by lufthansa airlines n our route was chennai-frankfurt-calgary-edmonton....from chennai d flight took off at 1.45am sep 20th....luckliy v got bassinet from chennai n our baby didnt give us much trouble...whereas v could c others strugglin wid thier baby's screams during take offs n landings....from frankfurt v had just 1 hr for connecting flight n der was a longgggg queue 4 security checks but i just showed d boarding passes n they let us in first...v didnt get bassinet from der but v got 2 empty seats n our baby slept der nicely....
security checks took long time 4 us as v has baby stuffs like water,food,formulas,etc.....also it was tiring running from gate 2 gate at d airport 4 me n hubby carryin baby(as he`started cryin wen put in stroller),2 hand luggages,diaper bag,hand bag n stroller

...but v managd....
two more tuesdays had passed since my last visit 2 did forum but could c dat still xyrus,minku9 n chinthu r on d run....good luck 2 u guys n u r in my prayers...here,fall in edmonton is beautiful with d leaves changing their colors everyday....climate is good too...