We are so close to giving up as well Sarong, at least we have the freedom to be in India... Although with the indian immigration rules I do have to wait for a year before I can apply for PIO... but I have freedom to visit. And I leave on Monday to do so, we are so excited!
Canada is a beautiful country and may be nice to raise a family and have wonderful amenities plus my family is here... It is unfortunate that we have had to feel prejudice here before my husband even landed... I mean, for most people here we are all immigrants really...
In any case, I think it is valuable to see the process through to the end. As long as we cannot be attached to the out come i suppose... I cannot claim false strength through all of this but at least I can see the flexibility, support and sincere love that my husband and I have for one another. Worst things have happened to people and at least we have the ability and confidence to be together. Patience is key, and I know it is so easy for others to say so to us, our family, friends and people who have been only waiting for a couple of months...It is almost annoying, but I know that people are administering sincere support... It is difficult when you have been waiting over half a year and anxiety begins to set in...
I have spoken with the lawyer who is aiding us in our case, he was once an immigration officer himself. This forum is a great place to converse and feel like there is someone else who can understand what we are feeling. But never-the-less we can not compare our cases... I thought our case was straight forward; My husband and I have been together for 3 years, we have thousands of photos, phone records and emails to prove the genuineness of our relationship... Neither of us have been married prior, we are at a good marrying age and we are very much supportive of eachother...
I suppose in some way this is our Karma, we could have been gifted with a better one or given a worse one. This has upset all of our plans but for some reason we have been given this challenge to further understand this life, this planet, this government and this 'love'.
So i suppose this is an opportunity to evolve into something and someone, we know what we want and our paths are clear. It will be wonderful to have some 'light' shed on our cases (Ie. OPEN THE FILES ND

And after that our lives will continue and this small drama will be finished.