c. Marriage status
i. If divorced
1. Ex-spouses information
a. Name
b. Where S/He is from
2. Why did the previous marriage not last
3. Reasons for divorce
4. Who initiated the divorce
5. What were the reasons for the divorce
6. Does s/he have a criminal records
a. Beating ex-spouse
b. Abuse of Ex-Spouse
7. Where are all the original Divorce papers
8. Do you have the copy of Divorce papers
9. Does your spouse have any children from previous marriage
c. Marriage status
i. If divorced
1. Ex-spouses information
a. Name
b. Where S/He is from
2. Why did the previous marriage not last
3. Reasons for divorce
4. Who initiated the divorce
5. What were the reasons for the divorce
6. Does s/he have a criminal records
a. Beating ex-spouse
b. Abuse of Ex-Spouse
7. Where are all the original Divorce papers
8. Do you have the copy of Divorce papers
9. Does your spouse have any children from previous marriage
Canadian Immigration Interview Questions.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill,,
Please feel free to print this file for personal use only.
[Updated June 10, 2004]
Terminology Used:
S/He or s/he : means a person of either sex.
Spouse : A partner by marriage or common law partner
1. Information about your spouse [in Canada]
b. Date of birth
If yes
How many
What are their names
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill. Distribute this file only if you mention the author's name, web link to this file
at author's website and distribute the file in its entirety. Not for Commercial Use.
Page 1 of 16
vi. Are they planning to move with your spouse
vii. What are your plans if they move with your spouse
viii. Would both of you have kids
ix. How would you make sure your kids and your spouse's kid will
live/get together/co-operate with each other?
x. How much is the monthly child support
xi. How does your spouse manage child support
xii. How often does your spouse see the child from previous marriage
xiii. Does s/he see the kids every weekend, month, year.... meaning
what are his/her child access/visitation right.
vi. Are they planning to move with your spouse
vii. What are your plans if they move with your spouse
viii. Would both of you have kids
ix. How would you make sure your kids and your spouse's kid will
live/get together/co-operate with each other?
x. How much is the monthly child support
xi. How does your spouse manage child support
xii. How often does your spouse see the child from previous marriage
xiii. Does s/he see the kids every weekend, month, year.... meaning
what are his/her child access/visitation right.
Canadian Immigration Interview Questions.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill,,
iii. How old are they
iv. Whom do they live with, and why
v. Why do they not live with your spouse
Does your spouse exercise those visitation right
If no, why
10.Where did the divorce take place
City .................................
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill. Distribute this file only if you mention the author's name, web link to this file
at author's website and distribute the file in its entirety. Not for Commercial Use.
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iii. If yes
1. Why?
iv. If no
1. Why not?
d. Where did your spouse first land in Canada [Airport or city]
e. Where did your spouse first lived [City, province]
f. Where did s/he reside when divorce was taking place, and where does s/he live now
g. Why did s/he move to a place/city where s/he lives now
h. Does your spouse still travel to the city where his/her ex-spouse lives.
i. Does your spouse have relationships [intimate or sexual] with other people [men or women]
j. If yes
i. What are their names
ii. What is a nature of the relationship
iii. If yes
1. Why?
iv. If no
1. Why not?
d. Where did your spouse first land in Canada [Airport or city]
e. Where did your spouse first lived [City, province]
f. Where did s/he reside when divorce was taking place, and where does s/he live now
g. Why did s/he move to a place/city where s/he lives now
h. Does your spouse still travel to the city where his/her ex-spouse lives.
i. Does your spouse have relationships [intimate or sexual] with other people [men or women]
j. If yes
i. What are their names
ii. What is a nature of the relationship
Canadian Immigration Interview Questions.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill,,
11.Are there any outstanding issues related to divorce
12.If yes, describe in details
13.How much are the alimony payments
$........../month, or $........../ year
ii. Does your spouse still see his/her ex-spouse
What does your spouse do for living
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill. Distribute this file only if you mention the author's name, web link to this file
at author's website and distribute the file in its entirety. Not for Commercial Use.
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Canadian Immigration Interview Questions.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill,,
Where does s/he work
Company name
Phone number if possible
iii. Type of work i.e. security, cab driver, business, labour, etc etc
iv. What is the place where your spouse is posted [ if it is security or business or store with
various outlets]
v. What are his/her job duties
vi. How much s/he makes per hour $$$$$$
m. Does your spouse do another work too
i. Study or another job
ii. Give full details about the study or work
a. if school
1. Name of the School
2. Provide details of the degree/diploma s/he is registered in
3. What year of study
4. Total length of program
5. Expected completion date
6. Courses taken if possible course number and description
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill. Distribute this file only if you mention the author's name, web link to this file
at author's website and distribute the file in its entirety. Not for Commercial Use.
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Canadian Immigration Interview Questions.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill,,
What are your spouses hobbies
o. Do you know your spouses friends
i. If yes
1. Provide the names, if possible phone numbers
2. How long did they know each other
3. Where do they live
4. Do they know about your spouses previous relationship
5. Have you met anyone
a. If yes
i. Can you provide some proof
ii. i.e. pictures, or just description
p. What does your spouse like/dislike
q. What is your spouses' favourite color, place to visit,
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill. Distribute this file only if you mention the author's name, web link to this file
at author's website and distribute the file in its entirety. Not for Commercial Use.
Page 5 of 16
Canadian Immigration Interview Questions.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill,,
What does your spouse own
i. House
1. Give details
Type :- [Apartment, Condo, Bi-level, etc]
Year It was made
Total rooms and bathrooms:
ii. Car
1. Provide the following
a. Make, model, license plate number, year of manufacture, and color of the
s. With whom does s/he [ Your Spouse Live] live
[Alone, with friends, parents, relatives]
i. Provide full details of
1. House address
2. How much rent
3. Phone number
4. What kind of house it is
a. Apartment
b. Condo
c. Etc...
5. How many room there are
6. What is the inside color of the apartment/house
7. What kind of furniture is in the house
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill. Distribute this file only if you mention the author's name, web link to this file
at author's website and distribute the file in its entirety. Not for Commercial Use.
Page 6 of 16
Canadian Immigration Interview Questions.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill,,
8. What is the color of the furniture
9. What kind of TV, etc is in the house
10.Who else lives near by
a. Neighbours
ii. Who is the owner of the house/ whose name is it in
Nana ji & Nani ji's name and information
1. Provide full details
t. Provide details about your spouses' parents
1. Dad's name
2. Mom's Name
3. Where do they work
4. How did they come to Canada
5. When did they come to Canada
6. Who sponsored them
7. Where did they live when they come to Canada
8. Whom did they live with at that time
9. Whom do they live with now
10.What is your spouses mom's parents names [maternal grandparents info, Nana
means Maternal Grandfather, Nani means Grandmother]
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill. Distribute this file only if you mention the author's name, web link to this file
at author's website and distribute the file in its entirety. Not for Commercial Use.
Page 7 of 16
Canadian Immigration Interview Questions.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill,,
11.Dad's parents names [paternal grandparents info, Dada means paternal
Grandfather, and Dadi means paternal Grandmother]
Dada and Dadi ji's Name and information
If living [in house/apartment] with brother/sister/or other relatives
1. Provide full details about relative [example Brother]
a. Relatives Name, work, company name, pay
2. Provide full details about relatives spouse [example sister-in-law]
a. Name, Her work, company, pay
3. When did your spouse's relative [ex. brother] get married
4. How did that relative come to Canada
5. Did your spouse sponsored that relative
v. How many brother and sisters does your spouse have
i. Name all of them
ii. Names of their spouses
iii. Names of their kids
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill. Distribute this file only if you mention the author's name, web link to this file
at author's website and distribute the file in its entirety. Not for Commercial Use.
Page 8 of 16
Canadian Immigration Interview Questions.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill,,
iv. Where are they married [in-laws address]
Where do they live now [In Laws of a relative]?
1. Addresses
2. Phone numbers etc
w. How many maternal and paternal uncles and aunts does your spouse have
i. Name all of them [chacha and taiya [fathers' brothers], bhua[Fathers' sisters], mama
[Mothers' brothers], masi [Moms Sisters] etc]
ii. Name their spouses
iii. Name all their kids
1. If Kids are married name of spouses
a. Names of their children
iv. Where are they married [place of in-laws]
Did all of them [relatives from part u, v, w, x] came to the marriage
If not why not
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill. Distribute this file only if you mention the author's name, web link to this file
at author's website and distribute the file in its entirety. Not for Commercial Use.
Page 9 of 16
z. Why did others not come here to attend the marriage
aa.Any other general information about your spouse
z. Why did others not come here to attend the marriage
aa.Any other general information about your spouse
Canadian Immigration Interview Questions.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill,,
If yes, show proof
1. Show pictures and identify them
Who came to attend your marriage from outside of this country.
Show proof, pictures
2. Information about you [Person attending the interview]
Do you know your husband is divorced [if your spouse is divorced]
b. Provide all the details
Why did you marry him/her, even if s/he is divorced?
d. Do you know s/he has a child from previous marriage
Why did you marry a person who has a child
Did you know about your spouses divorce and child before marriage
g. How did you meet your spouse first time, describe circumstances?
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill. Distribute this file only if you mention the author's name, web link to this file
at author's website and distribute the file in its entirety. Not for Commercial Use.
Page 10 of 16
1. Lunch, dinner, dance etc
v. Who accompanied you when you went to meet your spouse
vi. What did you like about your spouse
i. Did you meet your spouse again after the first meeting and before your marriage
i. Provide details
ii. How many times did you meet again
iii. Where, and what did you do
1. Any proof
j. When and how did your spouse propose you?
i. Date.
ii. Location
1. Lunch, dinner, dance etc
v. Who accompanied you when you went to meet your spouse
vi. What did you like about your spouse
i. Did you meet your spouse again after the first meeting and before your marriage
i. Provide details
ii. How many times did you meet again
iii. Where, and what did you do
1. Any proof
j. When and how did your spouse propose you?
i. Date.
ii. Location
Canadian Immigration Interview Questions.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill,,
Where did you meet
Provide details of the location
What were you wearing
iii. What was your spouse wearing
What did you do in the first meeting
iii. Circumstances
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill. Distribute this file only if you mention the author's name, web link to this file
at author's website and distribute the file in its entirety. Not for Commercial Use.
Page 11 of 16
i. If yes
1. How much
ii. We heard you paid money in lakhs or thousands of dollars [your local currency] to go
i. If yes
1. How much
ii. We heard you paid money in lakhs or thousands of dollars [your local currency] to go
Canadian Immigration Interview Questions.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill,,
Were you forced into marriage
By your parents or relatives
If yes provide details
Did you get married to get to Canada
m. Did you pay you spouse to go to Canada
[Always say no to the questions under this section ]
iii. How much did you pay
If you tell us how much yo u paid, we will give you Visa right away
1. Otherwise it might take a long time for you to get there as we know you paid
Nothing will happen to you but we will get your money back from your spouse
and return to you and also give you visa
[Now this is a tricky situation where immigration officer is trying to play a trick so
watch happened to some people ]
Did your spouse meet any of your relative
If yes
1. When and whom
a. Provide proof, such as pictures
If no
1. Provide explanation, why did your spouse did not meet any of your relatives
Did you meet any of your spouses relative
If yes
1. Provide details of whom you met and when
Provide proof
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill. Distribute this file only if you mention the author's name, web link to this file
at author's website and distribute the file in its entirety. Not for Commercial Use.
Page 12 of 16
1. S/He sponsors you and some relative of yours sponsors her/his relative
2. Or when you go to Canada, and when your parents and siblings go to Canada,
then you have to sponsor your spouses' relative living in India.
[If you say yes there will be problems, so watch out]
q. How is your relationship with your spouse?
r. Do you think that your relationship will work
i. If Yes, why?
ii. If No, Why?
s. Does you spouse care about you
t. Did you go for honeymoon
i. If yes
1. Where did you go
2. Do you have any proof
1. S/He sponsors you and some relative of yours sponsors her/his relative
2. Or when you go to Canada, and when your parents and siblings go to Canada,
then you have to sponsor your spouses' relative living in India.
[If you say yes there will be problems, so watch out]
q. How is your relationship with your spouse?
r. Do you think that your relationship will work
i. If Yes, why?
ii. If No, Why?
s. Does you spouse care about you
t. Did you go for honeymoon
i. If yes
1. Where did you go
2. Do you have any proof
Canadian Immigration Interview Questions.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill,,
ii. If no
1. Why not
p. Did you make any deals with your spouse
i. For example
Provide photos
Did you go for any other trips
If yes
1. Where did you go
2. Any religious places that you visited
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill. Distribute this file only if you mention the author's name, web link to this file
at author's website and distribute the file in its entirety. Not for Commercial Use.
Page 13 of 16
w. Suhaag Raat [Night of Marriage] Questions [maybe be asked]
i. When did you have your marriage consummated
w. Suhaag Raat [Night of Marriage] Questions [maybe be asked]
i. When did you have your marriage consummated
Canadian Immigration Interview Questions.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill,,
3. Any other places of interest you been
4. Provide all the proofs
Pictures, Receipts
Did you go alone on the trips or someone accompanied you
If yes, why did someone accompany you
What was your spouse wearing that night
iii. Color of his/her underwear, clothes
Was there light on all dark
Place for example hotel, house room etc etc
What do you do in here in this country [study, job etc]
What would you do in Canada, what are your plans
We have been told that you are going to go to Canada and once you get there, you will
divorce your husband and sponsor your lover/Boy/girl Friend Who is living in India. If you tell
us that you are going to do it, tell us your lovers name and we will issue both of you visa at the
same time. This way you will not be away from your lover for long time and both of you will go
to Canada together.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill. Distribute this file only if you mention the author's name, web link to this file
at author's website and distribute the file in its entirety. Not for Commercial Use.
Page 14 of 16
Canadian Immigration Interview Questions.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill,,
aa.Did you finish your school here
3. Other important information
Remember all the relatives names, cousins, etc
b. Who do what, where do they live
c. Make sure all the answers match each other [between you and your spouse]
i. I.E. colors, hobbies
4. Latest Interview Questions [Trends]
a. What will you do if I [Immigration officer] reject you and don't issue you a visa?
b. Identify most of the people in the pictures that you submitted and/or pictures in you
wedding, engagement or other ceremony album.
There can be an immediate interview on phone with person in Canada, right after person in India's
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill. Distribute this file only if you mention the author's name, web link to this file
at author's website and distribute the file in its entirety. Not for Commercial Use.
Page 15 of 16
Canadian Immigration Interview Questions.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill,,
So, make sure you call your spouse in Canada and tell him/her of all the questions that were
asked in an interview [Important]. And also advise you spouse of any new material that have
been taken/requested from you i.e. Wedding Pictures or etc.
NOTE:-An Immigration Officer is trying to find out if your relationship is genuine. Moreover, most of the
interviews being held are of spouses of people getting married second time. Officers want to make sure that the
person sponsoring you is not doing it for money. If your relationship is genuine, then you should have no
problems getting thru the interview, as you already know all the information about your spouse. Still it is good
idea to prepare for an interview, just in case. AND TELL THE TRUTH AND DO NOT LIE.
Disclaimer: - Author assumes no liability, assumed or implied, if a person is not successful in an interview after
going through these questions. These questions provided are for reference only. Author is not a professional in
Immigration matters and thus cannot provide any other immigration related help. No professional help has been
received to prepare these questions. The author is not obliged to provide any further help, whatsoever, to anyone,
if need may arise.
Best of luck on your Interview.
Jessie Gill ,
P.S. :- Please let me know how your Interview went. All suggestions appreciated. Please email me at
jpsgill @
jgill @
I'll wait for your reply.
© Copyright 2004 Jessie Gill. Distribute this file only if you mention the author's name, web link to this file
at author's website and distribute the file in its entirety. Not for Commercial Use.
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