I might be wrong, but I think the new package is doing a great disservice to AVO applicants.
Most people from February used the new package, and I think AVO is still in the euphoria of the old package.
I applied on the 4th of April, 2017, but I have been on this thread three years before I even got married.
I used the new package, but sent over eighty pictures, over three hundred pages of What's app chat alone, Wedding invitation and program, receipt from when my spouse proposed at the dinner, to every vendor we used for the wedding, letters from friends, Copy of church counselling forms we filled(both in Nigeria and Canada), receipts of gift sent, cards sent to each other,we opened a joint bank account in Nigeria, put him as my beneficiary in Canada, even before we got married, receipt of honeymoon, every thing.
In the space for describing the relationship and how it evolved, I explained in detail, with references to the supporting documents.
I used a box to send my package to Mississauga.
I have realized that with AVO, more is best