@Ugoswife and others. During my initial application i submitted both traditional marriage and court marriage pictures. I had no personal pictures with my wife together except the traditional marriage and court marriage pictures, reason being that we met October 2013 and i was in UK then. I traveled to Nigeria in June 2014 for our traditional marriage and back again to Nigeria in May 2015 for our court marriage. I included my flight tickets on both trips. I moved to Canada on June 25th 2015, and filed her application in March 2016. When they asked for additional proof, I got a letter from the traditional ruler from my community who was aware of the traditional marriage, letter and affidavit from my father in law, letter from my wife's village head and that of my village head, letter from married women from my village of which my wife is a member by the reason of her marriage, letter from her pastor in Nigeria and my pastor here in Canada, Notarize letter from a friend here in Canada who know me for over 15 years and knows everything about the marriage, letter from my work mate here in Canada who is a white Canadian who testified that she is aware that i chat and talk to my wife everyday. I also included pictures my wife took with my oldest brother, his wife, my older brother, his wife, my nephew and his friend, my village women, and the women in the church in my village which she attends when she visits village as she is a Nurse in a state other than our state. Tell me how can someone sitting in the office conclude that all these people are liars? Can this happen to a Canadian? am glad the appeal will be here in Canada because they are the one to prove to me that my marriage is not genuine. Did they invite my wife for interview? the answer is NO, so i would like to know the basis of their conclusion. I know my right and is a fact.