olorvi said:@ mamadmama no I did not get your message but I sent you a pm
@willyblue thanks. I am relaxing. In fact we have over relaxed. Lol. What else can we do.....positivity helps a lot. We have nothing to fear. Our marriage is genuine before God and man. If they ask for more documents supporting this, they will be bombarded with more proves.willyblue said:I'm very happy for you...congrats and wishing everyone who is on the waiting list thesame..Lamour,relax for the good Lord who started it with u will definitely finnish it for u too
Lamour have you sent CSE to AVO recently? Just wondering why some Jan/Feb/Mar applicants are still waiting for their PPR.lamour said:Hello to you ghanaboy
Thanks for dropping by to encourage us. I remember your journey. It was long but you finished the race.
I hope you settling in and the integration is going smoothly.
Sorry about that.can you order your notes too to know all the flags and understand all redflags they putted in your file so that in your appeal process you mainly address that.olorvi said:they refused my husband they said he is only using me to get to Canada because I am older then him they did not even let him answer the questions she just talked over him and then gave him everything back and told him to leave what do I do now?
Certainly. Age has absolutely nothing to do with love.mamadmama said:Age has nothing to do with Love.God will intervene,but keep your hope in the Lord ,he is the author and finisher of everything.I pray that"Mercy will work for you and everyone of us.
Please take it easy,God will work for you.
If you mean CSQ, yes, it has been done and sent long time that I don't even remember when.mandiebraxton said:Lamour have you sent CSE to AVO recently? Just wondering why some Jan/Feb/Mar applicants are still waiting for their PPR.
Congratulation Angeleyes. Send your passport as soon as possible.Angeleyes19 said:Good morning house. I am pleased to announce to the Glory of the Most High God that the hubs got his passport request this morning:-*
Covenant keeping God, that is his Name! ;D
Thank you Jesus!!!
lamour said:If you mean CSQ, yes, it has been done and sent long time that I don't even remember when.
Congratulation CADPt. I am Happy for youCADPt said:To the Glory of God, we got PPR today Feb 3. We are so excited!!!!
In the mean time, my last day at work is next Friday, lol. And I already bought my ticket for Lagos for after that. ;D ;D ;
We have decided to go with VFS for passport transmission.