Having a terrible cold feet. Advice needed from those who have already settled in Canada... To cut my long story short. My husband is canadian and based here in Nigeria, we ve a son who has also gotten his canadian citizenship and pp here due to the fact that his father is canadian... Now my husband wants us (my son and I) to relocate to Canada for now without him. While he will still be working in Nigeria to support us then join us later... Please, here are a few questions I will like to ask, 1, what is life like in Canada. 2, I have read that its tough getting a proper job. I won't have a problem with starting off with menial jobs, but how do one survive with the little money one gets paid from menial jobs, especially with the fact that canada isn't very cheap to leave in. 3, where are the best Cities/Suburbs to settle. 4, what are the price range of a good 2bed accomodation in a suburb?. 5, what are the prices of creches?. 6, how do you guys survive in the hatch winter?... Please help me with answers so I can make up my mind as to what to do... I need to take that bold step but I'm so scared... Congrats to all those who have successfully gotten their visas, especially Ghanaboy. I followed your story from day one, and was very excited when everything turned out well for u. Thanks in advance for your replies.