I also sent the following to the Huffington Post - they have done blog pieces on stories like this in the past so thought it was worth a try:
Good evening,
I am currently going through the process to sponsor my husband and family to come to Canada. The visa office that our application is being processed through is the Accra office.
A number of applicants utilize a discussion board where we support each other by sharing timelines and being each other's general support lines.
Many of us have commented that the Accra Visa Office processes applications much slower than other offices. We think this is unfair and does not support the Canadian value of equality.
While this story isn't a big "scoop", there is such a negative impact on the lives of those being processed through offices like these. The sadness most of us feel disrupts our lives, leads us to being less motivated in the workplace, can lead to medical issues, is costly and we feel that we can't plan for a future that is so uncertain.
We wrote the following letter to the Honourable Ahmed Hussen to outline our concerns.
" Letter inserted here"
I have read great blog pieces out of our paper in the past. I think there is an opportunity to continue to tell the story of those of us affected by the inconsistent and extremely long processing times.