Exact meaning of IN PROCESS as explained by CIC :-
Once processing begins, officers will review the application against the minimal requirements and
the selection criteria for FSW. Visa officers are also required to approve or refuse FSW
applications according to the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA)
and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR).
In cases of refusals, this means an applicant fails to meet the minimal requirements, is not
awarded sufficient points or is found to be inadmissible. As applicants may specify more than one
NOC code in their application, failure to meet the minimal requirements for an occupation on the
MI list will not necessarily result in refusal.
Interviews, verifications of the authenticity of documents, site visits, investigations or seeking
clarification from applicants constitute processing. These activities may be undertaken to
determine if applicants meet the minimal requirements, can be awarded points for the selection
criteria or are inadmissible.
Finding inadmissibility for misrepresentation involves a relatively high standard of procedural
fairness. In addition, only an operations manager, deputy program manager or immigration
program manager may refuse for misrepresentation.