SMSH said:
This is not me the user name is: rtippu
Already mentioned this on page 130...:
"Another forum memeber RTippu got medical today via normal mail at home, after 3 years of full docs....he sent initial application in June 2009 and full docs in OCT 2009. Went into IP with date in March 2012...Got updated docs request in April 2012, and medical today."....
Needles to say , Rtippu did not get the wait letter (as he got medicals after 3 years of full docs, which is already very late).....MI-1 people who r getting medicals these days (rtippu, sheikh humayon) are the ones who got "updated docs request" around April 2012, (same time when we were getting the wait letters).
Sh Humayon from MI-1 , (paki applicant living in Qatar, who got medical in Sep 2012) has initial application of APR-2010, and full docs of OCT-2010. he got updated docs request in April 2012, when I got wait letter (even though our timelines are similiar)...
Kher. As far as I know, no one with 6-12 month letter has gotten medical as yet..(Atleast pakistani forum members have not)...
P.s: let's keep Shadab separate, (paki applicant who got wait letter in June 2012 and medical in Sep 2012) as that has a conflict in dates that whether he sent full docs in March 2010 (what Shadab told me on phone) or September 2010 (what he told KNM)....(If wat he told me was correct, he never should ve gotten wait letter, since people with his timeline got medicals in March 2012, and he got it in September 2012) he s not on the forum himself to explain he does not count..
Botton line: As PAK rightly said below, let's not worry too much about MI-2 and MI-3 and even 'MI-applicants with further docs' getting does not concern us directly (it does show a general trend though)....Even I'm not gonna mention them anymore....The day one of our OWN forum members who got the wait letter, gets medicals, that's the time the party actually starts for US!

InshAllah all will be good in a few months.... cheers.