Hello All,
I need advice regarding Notes.
Long story short: I just want to know if my spouse is under SS to make life plans accordingly.
Long story: My husband is Iranian and the day we hit IP2 (about 2 weeks and a half ago) he was requested CV and Supplementary Information form for Students. He has no links to government agencies in Iran or Military History. He finished his master’s degree in the US in Civil Engineering.
I ordered GMCS notes last week but I have been reading that notes do not show SS info anymore, therefor a person will not know if he/she has been sent for SS. We do not mind waiting an additional year or so in the process but we would like to know if this is going to take another year to make plans accordingly (living arrangements, OPT extensions, job decisions, travel plans, etc)
Should I go ahead and request CSIS and CBSA notes even though I don’t know if we are in SS? is it too early and it wont show even if he is under SS?
I have seen twice already that some people who ordered CBSA notes received just one sheet of paper showing two rows of information not detailing anything. Any ideas of why those people received that?
Any advice is appreciated!
Good luck to all! Thanks!