Dear Tocanadawego and all friends,
I am so happy to hear about your update! Sincerely hope your PPR will come very soon!
I have read through the court cases regarding the long processing time, not to say that we have to sue CIC in any near moment now, but some of the judges’ analysis shed some light on a few things we should bear in mind NOW:
In a case (Abdolkhaleghi v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) if you are interested to read it further), the judge set out three criteria to be met when finding that the delay was unreasonable:
1. the delay in question has been longer than the nature of the process required, prima facie;
2. the applicant and his counsel are not responsible for the delay; and
3. the authority responsible for the delay has not provided satisfactory justification.
(1) Regarding “whether the delay was justified”, the judge stated this:
“if there is a long delay
without adequate explanation, then mandamus can follow. To simply state, in response to the applicants' requests for information as to why their applications are taking so long to process, that a security investigation by CSIS is ongoing is
NOT an adequate explanation. What will constitute an adequate explanation will of course depend on the relative complexity of the security considerations in each case. A blanket statement to the effect that a security check investigation is pending, which is all that was given here, prevents an analysis of the adequacy of the explanation altogether. And concerns instead appear to be lacking as a result.”
(2) Regarding the administrative delay:
Quote from “Shahid v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration)”
“while it may be possible that the applicants are responsible for some of that delay if their applications contained contradictory information as the Minister asserts,
they have provided updated information as soon as they were asked to do so and indeed before they were asked to do so. The period of over two years, between early 2007 and the spring of 2009, during which they were left in the dark as to CIC’s concerns over their application is
unexplained and unreasonable. It took the applicants’ counsel’s request for their file under the Privacy Act for them to find out why their application was not being processed. It took, apparently, the filing of this application for mandamus for CIC to respond to the applicants’ counsel’s letters, two of which the Minister admits it received on February 17 and May 27, 2009, respectively.
In addition, as I held in Conille, above,
the necessity to conduct security and background is no justification for administrative inaction. In the absence of any statutory limits on the length of an investigation,
it can serve as a convenient excuse for indefinite delay, which the Court will not accept. In each case, the Court must ask itself whether the facts are such that the administrative delay is reasonable or not. Much of the delay in the case at bar appears to be due to CIC’s neglect and is thus unreasonable.
(I am not a lawyer) in my opinion, it is necessary to:
1) Update your progress regularly (e.g. ordering GCMS notes), try to find the potential deadlock, and ask CIC about IT (in WRITTEN so you can keep the correspondence, e.g. email, letter, CSE etc.);
2) Gain CIC’s “explanation” regularly in a formal form, just to keep a record that we have frequently requested our status update. And of course very often they will give us “your case is in process” “there is no timeframe”, keep that record;
3) If you have spotted any “problem” from your side, raise a CSE or proactively provide further information to the CIC. Take every reasonably practicable step from your side to avoid the delay;
4) If the CIC requests anything from you, cooperate with a very timely manner.
I am just a little woman I don’t know why I end up crazily reading those tedious court cases LOL :'( :'( :'(... anyway, so much for my brain today. Have a nice weekend guys!