Well i'd consider this,
there are obvioulsy better Universities with lesser fees and some PG diploma courses and everything,yes agreed!
But the fact is,this is still a university,even though with a Pre-MBA like course it stills attracts so many students and unlike last year the visa rejections for this UNI has come down cuz of the explanation with the VISA consulate(I spoke to a guy NAthan over the phone about TRU visa issues and he explained its solved unlike last year) so I'd say even though its expensive a little,for non businesses graduates like me,its gonna help,and the job prospects are the same for every graduate who comes out!except maybe the exceptional ones around like HARWARD or john hopkinS or whichever ones that are the elite group.the fees is relative to the standards.
i am not saying this is a good uni,but its also not a bad one.
Yes I have applied to tht USA,
I havent come across Uni's in Canada for MAy intake for MBA or MHA
do you have any input on that?