I think it's fairly spot on, although I havent had a spousal interview I was interviewed when i applied my TRV to visit my spouse in 2009 and we weren't even dating then. The VO was polite enough to tell me after asking questions about my background education work and siblings that he is now going to ask me about some personal questions which ranges from:
1. Then he asked about my own status, I was divorced then with 2 kids, custody arrangements, etc
2. then he asked if i was in a relationship with the person I am visiting
3. How did we know each other and for how long
4. I said we've known each other since high school, grew up same neighbourhood and same group of friends and all and they ask, so he's your brother's friend? Since they are about the same age. I said no, but our family knows each other's.
5. Then he ask how did my then friend (now hubby) migrated to canada, i said he married a canadian and migrated there 10 years ago
6. Then he asked what is his status, i told them they are divorced and he asked me why and i said i dont know, we dont talk about personal stuff like that which was true because we were just friends then.
7. Then he asked me if their marriage was genuine and did he marry his ex for immigration purposes? I explained as to my knowledge it was genuine to my knowledge etc
8. At this point, i actually asked him how is this relevant to my application, as i was genuinely going on a year end xmas holiday albeit on my own to canada and my friend had offered free lodging as it was a 3 weeks trip. The VO told me they just need to know to ensure I am not a risk to overstaying etc and that if I want to apply for PR i have enough credential to apply on my own instead of through MOC. i think I laughed right about then because at that time it Didnt even crossed my mind to migrate and I told him so especially since I have a good job and my kids are here.
Boy he is gonna have a field day when he interviews me for my PR later....but I can't choose who i fell in love with, I blame the xmas lightings at Van Deusen and new year's sunset at Stanley Park

but if our applications are not approved I will definitely straight up tell them he is definitely moving back and you'll lose one taxpayer instead of gaining one

sorry about the long post but just want to share interview for TRV is already nerve wrecking, what more to say about PR applications. So goodluck all that has to endure it.