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The fastest way to Canada from Vietnam

Sep 20, 2013

In order to be together faster, my boyfriend and I were planning to get engaged and register marriage in canada. In order to do so, he applied for a tourist/visitor visa, but he got refused. After doing more research, I found that sponsoring a spouse can take up to 2 years for the paper to process, it is such a longtime, we cannot live apart that long period and i cannot go back and forth between canada and vietnam, i might have to lose my job if i keep doing so. We want to settle down as quickly as possible.

So, I have several questions to ask:

1. Can you please advise what is the fastest and easiest way for my boyfriend to come to canada?

2. If i have to sponsor him, do we have to have a marriage ceremony in vietnam? can we just register marriage in vietnam and have a marriage ceremony later once he is in canada?

3. While I sponsor him, can he apply for a visitor visa to come to canada?

thank you for your help.


Xin chao em

1) Fastest way would be to marry him, seeing as how he was refused a visitor visa. My fiance is from Vietnam too, and I know how difficult it is to get a visitor visa from there.

2) You don't have to have a ceremony, but if you don't, your application will likely be sent for an interview, because the government will see it as a big problem, and they will want to ask your husband questions. Having an interview will cause your application to be delayed by 1-2 years. Why are you not wanting a traditional ceremony? Is it because you want the marriage to go through as fast as possible? If so, that's a big problem for you, because the govt will see that you're doing it to get your husband PR faster, not because you were broke, or something legitimate. And also, if either your family or his family, (or god forbid, both) do not attend the wedding, that will be a big red flag as well.

3) You can try, but because he was refused once already, after you marry him, then he will DEFINITELY not be granted a visitor visa again.

You don't necessarily have to lose your job, just do what I do, and go visit once a year, stay for 2 months at a time. Work a 2nd job, like I did, if you need to. The government will love it if they see you work so hard to go visit him often.

Trust me on this, you only get one chance to bring him to live with you here, you DO NOT want to have a lousy application. Make it as strong as possible. That's what my fiance and I are doing. We are getting married 1.5 years after our relationship started, not a fast marriage like some people. We took lots of pics together, doing silly poses like sticking our tongues out, having fun, travelling to different cities all around Vietnam, pics with her family, etc. We're having a full traditional ceremony, complete with street procession, exchange of gifts, praying in front of ancestors, wedding reception with 160 guests. And BOTH our families will be there, her entire family, and my 2 brothers, sister, mom, stepdad, and grandma from CANADA will all be travelling to Vietnam to attend my wedding, and they will stay for 4 weeks and get to know my in-laws.

My fiance is also saving all the receipts from when she's buying and booking stuff for the wedding, and we've saved all the chats from 1.5 years ago, texts, Skype and FB messages. The final application we will send will likely be at least 20 pounds, but it's better to make your application strong than weak, because Singapore even it has a 26 month processing time, that time can be cut to 6-12 months, if you have a strong application.

So please, instead of rushing your marriage and potentially being denied or delayed, why don't you just take the time and make your case stronger?
Sep 20, 2013
Thanks Mikeymyke for your response.

So it means that I will only have to go back and forth to vietnam to visit my bf. There is no other way he can come here easily such as visiting. That's really suck ! and Canada government doesn't really help their citizens in this matter. I know there are many fraud marriage , that's why it is much harder now, but they should also understand the situation of those real couples who have to sacrifice their time and energy. Why do the interview take a long time? can we rush them by calling them and ask them for an interview?

As for the job, it is hard to leave job for 2 months. I am not sure about you but i can only have max of 2 weeks per year. If more than that, i will have to quit my job. Canada government encourage us to build our life together, work and live in Canada but all they do is keep delaying and refusing. Sigh!


cambodiamemory said:
Thanks Mikeymyke for your response.

So it means that I will only have to go back and forth to vietnam to visit my bf. There is no other way he can come here easily such as visiting. That's really suck ! and Canada government doesn't really help their citizens in this matter. I know there are many fraud marriage , that's why it is much harder now, but they should also understand the situation of those real couples who have to sacrifice their time and energy. Why do the interview take a long time? can we rush them by calling them and ask them for an interview?

As for the job, it is hard to leave job for 2 months. I am not sure about you but i can only have max of 2 weeks per year. If more than that, i will have to quit my job. Canada government encourage us to build our life together, work and live in Canada but all they do is keep delaying and refusing. Sigh!
Yes and unfortunately, Vietnam has lots of marriage fraud cases, that's why Singapore has a long processing time, and that's why they have a low acceptance rate for visas (somewhere from 72-75%, compared to 90%+ for most offices worldwide). The interview takes a long time because there are many other people who are in line for an interview. You cannot rush it, they won't make it faster for you, that's why it's very important you have a strong application.

For me, I came back to Vietnam twice in the past two years, stayed 2 months each time, and one of those times, I had to quit my job, but I work as an electrician, and we have a skilled trade shortage in Alberta, so it was very easy for me to find another job. For this next visit, I had to work 2 jobs to save up for the wedding.
Sep 20, 2013
My bf and I only use skype, either call or chat; we don't have any other proofs such as phone bills or fb. We do have pictures which we took together whenever i came back to visit and we have known each other for roughly 6 years, we were friends and only started dating since last year. We did talk through yahoo messenger during the time we were friends, Is this considered proof as well since we have known each other for a longtime ? When we traveled, we didn't keep any receipts, we only have pictures to prove that we were travelling together. Is it ok ?

Listen to your advise, we want to start collecting as many proofs as possible.


No phone bills or FB is fine as long as you can show you guys talk and communicate often. Yes the Yahoo chat before u were a couple is proof, because it shows how your relationship developed, that it wasn't a quick falling in love, but that it was a friendship that slowly turn into relationship. Yes no receipts should be fine, as long as you have pics to proof you travelled, however, to prove that, you should probably take pics in front of some famous landmarks and buildings to prove it. For example, if you travelled to Ha Long bay, but no receipts to prove you went there, just show a pic of you and him on the boat in front of those famous Ha Long Bay mountains, or if you're in Nha Trang, show pics of you guys in front of the beach.

Last year, my fiance and I travelled across Vietnam for 3 weeks. We went from Saigon > Hanoi > Sapa > Fansipan mountain > Da Nang > Hue > Hoi An > My Son > Nha Trang > Da Lat. We took pics in all those cities, and in each of those pics, we went to famous buildings/temples that can be only found in those cities, so the VO can see we really did travel there.
Sep 20, 2013
In the letter describing your relationship, did you write it yourself? I've heard from a friend saying that she advised a lawyer to write the letter for her as lawyer knows how to write a good letter and answered all the questions that the officer looks for. Is that true? Also is it faster to have an agency dealing with your paper?
Another thing I've heard is that you and your fiance go to Singapore and register your marriage in Singapore and complete the paper there and at the same time, you can ask for an interview at the same time. Is that true?


VIP Member
Jun 8, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Passport Req..
No - it is not faster through an agency. All applications are processed the same.

No - you cannot register your marriage in Singapore and ask for an interview at the same time. No such process exists.

I would write the relationship letter yourself. It will seem more honest and real if you are the ones who have written it. You can also then make sure there are no errors in the letter.


Star Member
Jan 1, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
I am sorry I may come off as a dick, but I get so peeved when people ask about "fastest way from country X to Canada"....i mean do you think thousands before you were dummies and didnt wanna do it fast?

Honestly I am sorry but I just find that extremely disrespectful.


Star Member
Jan 14, 2013
Abe1004 said:
I am sorry I may come off as a dick, but I get so peeved when people ask about "fastest way from country X to Canada"....i mean do you think thousands before you were dummies and didnt wanna do it fast?
Hey, if there were an easy way to do it, the entire third world would have emptied out a long time ago!