hello to everyone I am a man of 20 who has a bac +3 passport and a student I would like to know what are my chances of having a visa for Cannada thanks to a residence invitation from a friend which is home to cannadienne
What country are you from? You want a tourist visa? Sometimes you have to show strong ties to your homeland so immigration will believe that you will return home at the end of your trip.
hello to everyone I am a man of 20 who has a bac +3 passport and a student I would like to know what are my chances of having a visa for Cannada thanks to a residence invitation from a friend which is home to cannadienne
hello to everyone I am a man of 20 who has a bac +3 passport and a student I would like to know what are my chances of having a visa for Cannada thanks to a residence invitation from a friend which is home to cannadienne
do you would advising a Unversité which m'accpeté knowing that I'm not a very good student and friends who I hear is that I cannadienne to stay at home knowing that I am froncophone