VIP Member
- Sep 21, 2015
- 9,917
- Category........
- Visa Office......
- Ottawa
- NOC Code......
- 4112
- App. Filed.......
- 03-09-2015
- Doc's Request.
- 01-10-2015
- AOR Received.
- 03-09-2015
- Med's Done....
- 17-08-2015
- Passport Req..
- 05-04-2016
- 12-04-2016
- LANDED..........
- 05-05-2016
1. IRCC cannot ask for your father's account statement, though they can ask for the source of funds. If the gift deed expressly mentions the account details and how the funds were transferred, you are good. No need to worry.I have just got some amount transferred to my bank as a gift from my father. Now, I am trying to get a Gift Deed made. I have some questions:
- Even my father did not had the money and we arranged from various sources into his account and then got them transferred to mine using a cheque. Would it be an issue? I mean I think it could be an issue only if his bank statements are also checked since the amount got transferred to his account in the last 10 days.
- At the bottom of the gift deed, there is a place for me to sign. My father is in India and the gift deed will be made in India. The witnesses also are in India who will sign. However, I am in US and the gift deed mentions my address from US. Since I cannot be present in India to sign I can either not sign the proposal at all or sign it after getting the original copy shipped to US. However, won’t that be illegal since the gift deed is made in India and I am in US so how can I sign?
- Since I have recently moved to US, I do not have funds here. So I got the amount transferred from my Father’s account in India to my India based account even though I am living in US. Would it be an issue?
2. The gift deed can be shipped to you and you can sign, its is not illegal.
3. No, see 1.