If your spouse is a dependent in the application, you do not get any points for the work experience. So you can just ignore it. To calculate, the IRCC guideline states:
For FSW applications received on or after May 4, 2013
Pursuant to R73(1), “full-time work” means at least 30 hours of work over a period of one week, and pursuant to R73(2), “work” means an activity for which wages are paid or commission is earned.
For FSW applications received before May 4, 2013
Pursuant to R80.7, “full-time work” means at least 37.5 hours of work over a period of one week.
The full-time work experience requirement for applicants in the Federal Skilled Worker Class may be met by the equivalent in part-time paid work experience (e.g., more than one part-time job held simultaneously or one or more part-time jobs held over the equivalent of at least one year of full-time work). However, the part-time work experience must have been accumulated over a continuous period pursuant to R75(2)(a).
Calculating work experience for FSW
Work experience can be calculated by:
- adding up the number of continuous weeks of full-time (or equivalent in part-time) paid work (i.e., 30 hours/37.5 hours per week in one full-time job, a combined total of at least 30 hours/37.5 hours per week in more than one part-time job,
- 15 hours per week in one part-time job over a period of two years, etc) in one or more skilled occupations at Skill Type 0 (Managerial occupations), Skill Level A (Professional occupations) or B (Technical occupations and skilled trades) of NOC 2011.
Note: Work in excess of 30 hours/37.5 hours of paid work over a period of one week cannot compensate for less than one year of full-time work experience.