Asivad,Asivad Anac said:That part time will be calculated as 66.67% of the time worked (20/30 hours/week) while full time work will count for 30 hours/week even though you worked 10 extra hours. Your aggregate experience would amount to 28 months (12 months of full time and 16 months of full time equivalent part-time work). All of this assumes that you can get reference letters for the same. In addition, you'll have to prove that you have at least 1 year of continuous (without breaks) work experience.
Isn't part time work experience calculated at 15 hours per week rather than 20 hours per week?
I don't think you can count more than 15 hours per week for part-time jobs (just like you cannot count more than 30 hours per week to compensate for the remaining days")