I'm sorry for wrong information, The first one is our family business. Ownership is on her and my brother name. Since he doesn't do much activity on it therefore I totally forgot that my brother also owned the business.
In addition to the other documents which I had suggested, she must also include the Business partnership agreement + explain/provide evidence of her responsibilities (and why your brother will NOT be able to manage the business, hence she must return by XX date) + a letter from your brother (business partner) that she is allowed to use XXX funds from the business account for her Canada visit
Another business also owns she and another partner. So basically both business are partnership.
Same documents as what I have suggested for the business partnership with your brother
For her properties: Are they sole ownership or owned with someone else ?
Property some of them are on her name and some of them she & I owned.
I have given suggestions for this, especially the percentage ownership + total indicative market value and her percentage of the total indicative market value
For the car: Has she purchased it on loan
No its not on loan, the time car was purchase paid in full amount, so that we don't owe balance.
That's good. I'm assuming the car was not purchased with business funds to claim depreciation benefits.
You can include this as part of her financial situation + state it was a purchased in full = Her good financial situation.
I also suggest:
1. She prepare a cover letter with separate sections for Applicant details + Host details + Strong ties to the home country (business + property + financial + family ties) + Purpose of Visit (broad outline) + Available funds for my visit + Financial situation + Why she must return to the home country by XX date.
All information in point format, briefly. Give cross reference to evidence + evidence must be numbered.
2. A detailed day-by-day itinerary of her proposed visit with expense estimates
3. A Personal Net Worth/Personal Assets statement (property + financial investments + jewelry valuation by a certified jeweler + car, etc)
All amounts throughout the application must be stated in both her local currency + CAD.
Documents must be in English or translated into English/French by a certified translator