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Technical Error Message from the Permanent Residence Portal


Dec 8, 2013

I would like to know if there is anybody who went through this on the Permanent Residence Portal, I don't have yet all the forms ready (they need to be signed, those that need to), and I am trying to upload forms and supporting documents to the Permanent Resident Application Portal, but I am getting the following error message: (There was a technical error when handling your request. Please try again later.)
I double check:
- The files size, that should be 4mb maximum and photos should be 420x540 pixels minimum.
- The files type: Only PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, DOC, and DOCX are accepted. I have files on jpeg and png
- The files name length and characters, I also tried reducing the number of characters
- Browser: I used a Desktop computer with Chrome and Firefox
- I cleared the browser caches and cookies
- I labelled the documents using the format: Last Name - First Name – Document type - #
- I cannot even upload the proof of payment

I am still having issues, did anybody experience this?

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Dec 8, 2013

I would like to know if there is anybody who went through this on the Permanent Residence Portal, I don't have yet all the forms ready (they need to be signed, those that need to), and I am trying to upload forms and supporting documents to the Permanent Resident Application Portal, but I am getting the following error message: (There was a technical error when handling your request. Please try again later.)
I double check:
- The files size, that should be 4mb maximum and photos should be 420x540 pixels minimum.
- The files type: Only PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, DOC, and DOCX are accepted. I have files on jpeg and png
- The files name length and characters, I also tried reducing the number of characters
- Browser: I used a Desktop computer with Chrome and Firefox
- I cleared the browser caches and cookies
- I labelled the documents using the format: Last Name - First Name – Document type - #
- I cannot even upload the proof of payment

I am still having issues, did anybody experience this?


I was actually able to upload the forms and files. I actually sent the files from the computer to my email, downloaded them from my cellphone and then uploaded them from there.