Hello. Same for me. I did my first blood analysis early february for my medical visit.
they found a TPHA + and VDRL -
So i made another test 1 month after (early march) and same results (with IGM to check if recent or not). I ve been to a specialist who wrote a letter to explain it s a very old syphillis apparently who doesn't need a treatment.
But despite this, IRCC asked me on March 29th to do another blood test on May 2nd (same and IGM again).
So I will do it next week. Hope it would be ok for them after. Maybe it s a 3 months check.
what u think ?
Hey dude what tests were taken when you went for the medicals ?
I have a few questions regarding it
1) Was your vdrl negative before going to the medical test ?
2) Did they find your VDRL or RPR as positive and then they asked you to take additional TPHA ?
3) Did they take RPR and TPHA tests for the first time when you went for the test ?
Please let me know asap bcos I am worried if they would take both of the tests for syphilis
If they take VDRL or RPR then I might be good because my RPR will become negative before the test I guess.
Were you asked to take a TPHA bcos of your RPR positivity ???
Thanks in Advance waiting for your response