tink 23 Thanks for your advice, I am already living in a rural area in switzerland, I don't wonna do that again over there if I go.
Its really disappointing when you are in a industrialized country and you don't know how to live, I am trying a lot to get a job! As a student here you hardly get anything , they always have an excuse. No matter which field you try either in your own field you study or a different one eg. Gastronomy, they don't give you jobs as a student.
I like to go to an English speaking country as I am good in English, I feel comfortable, but I don't think I have to learn French if I want to go to Canada.
It took me around four to five years to learn the German language here in Switzerland, I am good in that now, but it doesn't help me until I finish the studies, may be if I am lucky I will get a job after the studies in this field (Computer science).
If I go to French speaking Canada I should learn French which will cost me another few years

When do I earn and when do I live my life, its frustrating when I think of all these.
I wish I could go Canada and do my studies in a college a degree for two years and do a job, if I like and have time I can study further.
I have a relative in Canada. Relative in the sense not so close, He is the brother in law of my mam,
could this help me in any way ?