It took me five months to get first proper job, and 1 1/2 months to get first survival job. Labor jobs are not easy to do specially if you have Engineering, Doctor or professional background and you landed in mid thirties or above. While doing survival job I always used to say myself that "this job is fun and my goal is survival for the moment", I always kept myself motivated and optimistic when leaving home at the mid of cold cold nights, preaching myself that one day I will be doing a good job in Canada. Just be advised those coming to Canada, come prepared that your saving spending and low income may be part of your life for first few months.
It is very rare in Canada that after one or maximum two years of stay in Canada you would still be suffering from hand to mouth but for sure it is also not very likely you would be flourishing from very beginning unless you are lucky. There are lots of lucky guys around who got good jobs within few weeks after their landing, but my best recommendation is come prepared for worst.
It is better to here in Canada from Somalia than Europe, becoz more you are thankful to Canada more you will accerate towards better life.