Sorry, could you please be so kind and provide additional detail? Were you able to modify the EE form after receiving ITA in the section of your/spouse names?
I was able to successfully change it! When you are on CIC account, select the link to procced with application (the one next to the decline link) and you should see on top of the page 'Modify Family Information' button.
I was able to successfully change it! When you are on CIC account, select the link to procced with application (the one next to the decline link) and you should see on top of the page 'Modify Family Information' button Showboxjiofi.local.htmltplinklogin .
Any updates on what was followed? Did you reject your ITA and re-create the express entry profile? I have a similar issue where my surname is left empty in my passport. I hence updated my first and last name by splitting my entire name. Would this be an issue while I am submitting my ITA? Or if I provide a LOE for the same would it help? There are no options to edit the names in the CIC website.
I did not reject the aplication. I have changed the data post ITA, my aplication is being proceed. I have been asked to provide RCMP for my hustabnd (and the issue was about his name).
I did not reject the aplication. I have changed the data post ITA, my aplication is being proceed. I have been asked to provide RCMP for my hustabnd (and the issue was about his name).