Paying one semester tuition fee will make you a bona fide student.RTAHIR said:Recently my visa was refused from Pakistan and I'm re applying with the help of a lawyer. I have 2 questions
1) Is there any letter which I can get from my university (Dalhousie University) to strengthen my Visa case?
2) If YES, than what should be mentioned on that letter? What kind of letter it is?
Refusal Reason: Purpose of visit, Not a bona fide student and will not leave Canada after authorized stay.
My profile:
1. Electrical Engineer 3.6 CGPA (with silver medal)
2. IELTS: 7 Bands
3. One published book in Germany
4. One research Paper
6. Course: MASc Electrical & Computer Engineering.
7. Bank Statement: CAD 79,000/-
8. 2 Years Work experience in the same field
Do you have any relative living in Canada? Do you own a property or land in your home country? These two factors can be crucial.