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Full Member
May 15, 2016
will you please tell me

i have created express entry profile as i have done IELTS and my WES eca is not completed yet
can still send EOI to PEI and to some other provinces

what r the chances they can accept my application and ask me to send formal application with full documents.which obviously i will do after one month as my ECA will get completed

can i still send EOI to the provinces

thanks in advance


VIP Member
May 23, 2014
eagleworld said:
will you please tell me

i have created express entry profile as i have done IELTS and my WES eca is not completed yet
can still send EOI to PEI and to some other provinces

what r the chances they can accept my application and ask me to send formal application with full documents.which obviously i will do after one month as my ECA will get completed

can i still send EOI to the provinces

thanks in advance
You can certainly send your EOI now, but look at it from the province's perspective: Do I want to invite a candidate who does not have their complete requirements yet?
Feb 14, 2016
joelmath said:
Hi all,

Isn't it a big problem for beginners to go through all the EE PNP streams and understand the eligibility requirements? The amount of info that one needs to go through is overwhelming. In this post I have summarized the eligibility requirements for all EE specific PNP streams. So hopefully, this post will make it a tad bit easier for everyone to research on relevant PNP streams.

[size=10pt][size=15pt]What is "Express Entry Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)"?[/size][/size]

Majority of provinces in Canada are able to nominate immigrants through the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). Since January 1, 2015, many provinces have joined Express Entry system to manage certain quota of their overall intake of immigrants, thus creating specific streams that are more commonly referred to as Express Entry Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP). These immigrants must have the skills, education and work experience that suit the requirements of relevant provinces. In addition, the candidates selected through Express Entry Provincial Nominee Programs must show intent to reside in the province that has nominated them. A nomination from one of the provinces under Express Entry Provincial Nominee Programs adds 600 additional points to your overall CRS and in most cases will secure you an ITA in the next draw.

Each province has its own eligibility requirements, nomination guidelines, application procedure, application processing time, quota for their Express Entry Provincial Nominee Programs. One thing that beginners tend to commonly miss out is to make sure that they meet both EE as well as PNP requirements.

[size=10pt][size=15pt]Where can I find more information on Express Entry Provincial Nominee Programs?[/size][/size]

This post only has a summary of requirements meant for a quick reference. Direct links to respective EE streams have been provided so if you find a relevant PNP then you can proceed with further research on province website.

[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=15pt]Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP)[/size][/size][/size][/size]

Alberta does not have any dedicated streams under Express Entry category. There are non- Express Entry streams but processing times for those are comparatively higher. If you wish to immigrate to Alberta using non-Express Entry PNP stream then Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) may be an option for you. There are 3 sub-streams under AINP with different eligibility criteria:

Employer Driven Stream
Strategic Recruitment Stream
Self-Employed Farmer Stream

[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=15pt]Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP)[/size][/size][/size][/size]

Manitoba has 3 streams under its PNP programs.

There is no “Express Entry only” stream for Manitoba but applicants interested in Manitoba can apply under MPNP for Skilled Workers stream. From the overall inventory of MPNP applicants, Manitoba will decide who gets Nomination under Express Entry and who gets nomination under regular Manitoba Provincial Nomination stream. There isn’t too much clarity provided on their selection process for Express Entry other than the fact that you must be eligible under one of the express entry programs as well i.e FSW, CEC, FSTP.

Also, if applying through MPNP, you must create your Express Entry Profile after you have been instructed to do so by the province.

“I have an active application with the MPNP and would like to use Express Entry. What should I do?

At this stage, only those MPNP applicants directly contacted by the MPNP and advised to do so should submit an Express Entry profile as the MPNP will otherwise not be able to assist you with your Express Entry submission. All applicants should follow the steps outlined in their Letter of Approval from the MPNP when applying for permanent residence.”

“I have not applied to the MPNP, but would like to be nominated by Manitoba through Express Entry. What should I do?

At this time, the MPNP can only assist candidates who have already submitted a full application to the MPNP and only AFTER their application has been assessed by Manitoba.”

Read more here :



There are two pathways to Manitoba under Skilled Workers stream

Skilled Workers in Manitoba

Applications are accepted from qualified temporary foreign workers and international student graduates who are currently working in Manitoba and have been offered a permanent job with their Manitoba employer.

Find details here : http://www.immigratemanitoba.com/mpnp-for-skilled-workers/eligibility/eligibility-swm/

Skilled Workers Overseas

Applications are accepted from qualified skilled workers who can demonstrate a strong connection to the province through family or friends, past education or employment, or by invitation of the MPNP, and be assessed sufficient points for five eligibility factors – age, English proficiency, work experience, education and adaptability.

In addition to demonstrating a strong connection to Manitoba, every candidate who wants to be considered under the Skilled Worker Overseas stream must score at least 60 points based on five factors in order to be eligible. If you do not have a connection to Manitoba, you are not eligible under this stream, regardless of your points total.

Find details on connection to Manitoba, documents required and Manitoba points system here: http://www.immigratemanitoba.com/mpnp-for-skilled-workers/eligibility/eligibility-swo/

If you meet the eligibility requirements MPNP is a three-step process

STEP 1 : Submit an Expression of Interest : http://www.immigratemanitoba.com/mpnp-for-skilled-workers/expression-of-interest/

EOIs are ranked against others in the pool of submitted EOIs. On a regular basis, the MPNP conducts draws from this pool and invites the highest-scoring candidates to submit full applications. The draws may exclude certain occupations or profiles. Details on exclusions are provided on the Immigratemanitoba.com website at the time of the draw.


STEP 2 : The highest-scoring qualified candidates with a connection to Manitoba are invited to submit an MPNP application

Ranking system breakdown here : http://www.immigratemanitoba.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/MPNPRankingPoints.pdf

STEP 3 : Following a thorough assessment, the MPNP nominates successful candidates to make a separate application to the Government of Canada for permanent resident visas for you and your family.

Find more details on MPNP for Skilled Workers stream here : http://www.immigratemanitoba.com/mpnp-for-skilled-workers/

Manitoba skilled worker PNP (Policy and Procedures) : http://www.immigratemanitoba.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/MPNP-Policy-Guidelines-public.pdf


[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=15pt]British Columbia PNP - Express Entry[/size][/size][/size][/size]

All streams are very clearly explained on BC website. I’ll just skim through basic requirements here for everyone's faster reference.

Total number of Express Entry streams : 4

Express Entry BC – Skilled Worker
Express Entry BC – Health Care Professional
Express Entry BC – International Graduate
Express Entry BC – International Post-Graduate

Express Entry BC – Skilled Worker

1. Must have Express Entry profile number and a Job Seeker Validation Code
2. Must have accepted a full-time, indeterminate job offer from a B.C. employer under NOC skill level 0, A or B.
3. The above job offer must have a wage that is comparable to B.C. wage rates for the occupation. In addition, you must have 2 years work experience directly related to the job that is offered.
4. The employer must also meet eligibility criteria.
5. Must have settlement funds ready as required by CIC

More details here: https://www.welcomebc.ca/Immigrate-to-B-C/BC-PNP-Express-Entry-B-C/EEBC-Skilled-Worker

Express Entry BC – Health Care Professional

1. Must have Express Entry profile number and a Job Seeker Validation Code
2. Must have the support or an indeterminate, full-time job offer from a public health authority as a:

registered nurse
registered psychiatric nurse
nurse practitioner
an allied health professional such as a:
diagnostic medical sonographer
clinical pharmacist
medical laboratory technologist

for midwives, have a letter of confirmation from an established practice group in B.C.
3. In addition, you must meet all regulatory, registration, and licensing requirements to perform the duties of the occupation.
4. The above job offer must have a wage that is comparable to B.C. wage rates for the occupation. In addition, you must have 2 years work experience directly related to the job that is offered.
5. The employer must also meet eligibility criteria.
6. Must have settlement funds ready as required by CIC

More details here: https://www.welcomebc.ca/Immigrate-to-B-C/BC-PNP-Express-Entry-B-C/Express-Entry-Health-Care-Professional

Express Entry BC – International Graduate

1. Must have graduated from an eligible Canadian post-secondary institution, with an eligible degree, diploma or certificate within the past two years
2. Must have Express Entry profile number and a Job Seeker Validation Code
3. Must have accepted a full-time, indeterminate job offer from a B.C. employer under NOC skill level 0, A or B.
4. The above job offer must have a wage that is comparable to B.C. wage rates for the occupation. In addition, you must have 2 years work experience directly related to the job that is offered.
5. The employer must also meet eligibility criteria.
6. Must have settlement funds ready as required by CIC

More details here : https://www.welcomebc.ca/Immigrate-to-B-C/BC-PNP-Express-Entry-B-C/EEBC-International-Graduate

Express Entry BC – International Post-Graduate

1. No Job offer is needed for this stream
2. Must have graduated from an eligible B.C. post-secondary institution with an eligible masters or doctorate (PhD) degree within the past two years.
3. Program of study must be in the natural, applied, or health sciences (Agriculture, biological and biomedical sciences, computer and information sciences and support services engineering, engineering technology, health professions and related clinical sciences, mathematics and statistics, natural resources conservation and research, physical sciences)
4. Must demonstrate your intent to reside in and economically establish in B.C.
5. Must have Express Entry profile number and a Job Seeker Validation Code
6. Must have settlement funds ready as required by CIC

More details here : https://www.welcomebc.ca/Immigrate-to-B-C/BC-PNP-Express-Entry-B-C/EEBC-International-Post-Graduate

Employer Eligibility Requirements for BC Express Entry Streams : https://www.welcomebc.ca/Immigrate-to-B-C/B-C-Provincial-Nominee-Program/Employer-Requirements

Applicant Eligibility Requirements for BC Express Entry Streams

Except where otherwise noted, the following are requirements in all categories of Express Entry BC streams:

1. Your employer has offered, and you have accepted, indeterminate, full-time employment in an eligible occupation (Exception: EEBC - International Post-Graduate).
2. You must be qualified for the offered position. The BC PNP may refer to the National Occupational Classification (NOC), WorkBC or industry standards to determine the minimum qualifications for an occupation.
3. The wage you have been offered must be competitive with B.C. wage rates for the occupation. For more information, please refer to individual category requirements.
4. For occupations classified under National Occupational Classification (NOC) Skill Levels B, C, and D occupations, you must demonstrate English or French language proficiency at Canadian Language Benchmark 2000 (CLB) level 4. If you are registering and/or applying with a job offer in a National Occupational Classification Skill Level 0 or A occupation, you are not required to submit valid language test results. However, at its discretion, the BC PNP may require valid language test results to demonstrate that you have the language proficiency to perform the duties of the position.
5. You must demonstrate that you meet minimum income requirements. For more information, please see the minimum income requirements section.
6. You must not have an ownership/equity stake of more than 10 percent in the B.C. company that has offered you employment.
7. Your employment must provide economic benefit to B.C. For example, your employment will contribute to:
*maintaining or creating jobs for Canadians
*transferring knowledge and skills to Canadians
*supporting the development of proprietary new products
*building the workforce for a major project
8. Your employment must not adversely affect the settlement of a labour dispute, or the employment of anyone involved in any such dispute, or adversely impact training or employment opportunities for Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
9. If invited to apply, you must submit the $550 application fee with your online application before your application will be processed. Incomplete applications will not be processed and fees may not be refunded.

The BC PNP will not nominate you if you:
*are prohibited from entering Canada
*have not been lawfully admitted in the country of current residence
*are in Canada and are out of status
*if your status has expired, and you cannot demonstrate you have applied for restoration of status within the 90-day eligibility period, you will be considered out of status
*are working in Canada without authorization
*have an unresolved refugee claim in Canada
*are under a removal order in or outside of Canada

Full details on BC PNP - EXPRESS ENTRY streams can be found here:


[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=15pt]Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP)[/size][/size][/size][/size]

Saskatchewan has only 1 dedicated Express Entry PNP stream : The International Skilled Worker – Saskatchewan Express Entry. Before you proceed, note that the International Skilled Worker – Saskatchewan Express Entry sub-category has accepted the maximum number of applications for 2016. Monitor Immigrate to Saskatchewan webpage for future reopen announcements.

Eligibility requirements for International Skilled Worker – Saskatchewan Express Entry

1. Must meet eligibility requirements for one of the programs under Express Entry and have Express Entry profile number and a Job Seeker Validation Code
2. Score a minimum of 60 points out of 100 on the SINP point assessment grid (*This scoring system is similar to FSW 100 points scoring system. You can find the scoring table in the application guide below)
3. Must provide Language test results that match your Language test entries in the EE profile
4. Must have minimum education of a diploma, certificate or degree that is comparable to the Canadian education system.
5. Must have work experience is in a high skilled occupation (NOC “0”, “A” or “B”) that is considered to be in-demand in Saskatchewan. Please see Appendix A in the application guide for the list of eligible occupations.
6. Must have proof of settlement funds and a settlement plan

Find more details in the links below;

Program page : http://www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/moving-to-saskatchewan/immigrating-to-saskatchewan/saskatchewan-immigrant-nominee-program/applicants-international-skilled-workers/international-skilled-worker-saskatchewan-express-entry

Application Guide for the Saskatchewan Express Entry Sub-category : http://publications.gov.sk.ca/documents/310/85142-SEE%20Guide%20(06-May-16).pdf

SINP in demand NOC list

[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=15pt]Ontario Express Entry[/size][/size][/size][/size]

Ontario has 2 dedicated PNP streams towards Express Entry.

1. Ontario Express Entry: Human Capital Priorities Stream
2. Ontario Express Entry: French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream

Similar to BC Express Entry PNPs, Ontario PNPs are also explained very clearly in their respective application guides.

Note that for both the EE streams OINP identifies candidates directly from the Express Entry pool and sends them PT Notification of Interest from Ontario through MyCIC account. This notification will invite the applicant to apply to OINP

Ontario Express Entry: Human Capital Priorities Stream

Note : As of February 16, 2016, Ontario has placed a temporary pause on Notifications of Interest (NOIs) being sent under the Human Capital Priorities Stream.

1. Must meet eligibility requirements for one of the programs under Express Entry and have Express Entry profile number and a Job Seeker Validation Code
2. Must provide Language test results for either English or French with a minimum score of CLB7 or above in all language competencies (reading, writing, listening, and speaking)
3. Must have minimum education of a diploma, certificate or degree that is comparable to the Canadian education system.
4. Must have proof of settlement funds
5. Must show intent to reside in demonstrated by a statement of intent and indication of ties to Ontario
6. Must have a CRS score of over 400.

You will find detailed requirements and instructions in the application guide.


Also check out this post by @rajkamalmohanram. It explains Ontario Express Entry: Human Capital Priorities Stream in detail


Ontario Express Entry: French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream

1. Must meet eligibility requirements for one of the programs under Express Entry and have Express Entry profile number and a Job Seeker Validation Code
2. Must have a French-language level of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 or above in all language competencies (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) AND an English-language level of CLB 6 in all competencies.
3. Must have minimum education of a diploma, certificate or degree that is comparable to the Canadian education system.
4. Must have proof of settlement funds
5. Must show intent to reside in demonstrated by a statement of intent and indication of ties to Ontario

Please see the French-Speaking Skilled Worker Application Guide for more details : http://www.ontarioimmigration.ca/prodconsum/groups/csc/@oipp/documents/document/oi_en_fssw.pdf

[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=15pt]New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP)[/size][/size][/size][/size]

Express Entry dedicated stream: Express Entry Labour Market Stream (EELMS).

Eligibility requirements for New Brunswick are the same as Federal Skilled Worker Eligibility factors. You must meet FSW requirements of Education, Language, Age, Work Experience, Proof of funds and score 67/100 in FSW eligibility score. In addition to meeting these FSW factors you must also submit a “Commitment to Live and Work in New Brunswick form (NBPNP – 001)” form to New Brunswick:


For New Brunswick Express Entry Labour Market Stream (EELMS), simply meeting the above eligibility requirements is not sufficient. You must also meet Eligibility Requirements to Submit an Expression Of Interest

To meet expression of interest (EOI) requirements, you must demonstrate

1. Show connection to New Brunswick OR attend NB information session in last 24 months

Connection to New Brunswick

You can demonstrate connection to New Brunswick by meeting at least one of the following:

1. working in New Brunswick
2. received post-secondary education from New Brunswick institution
3. relatives who have been living in New Brunswick for at least 1 year as PR or citizen
4. have worked full-time in New Brunswick for at least one year in the past five years
5. have a full-time, permanent offer of employment from a New Brunswick company
6. have French as the first language (TEF certificate needed)

New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP) Information Session

If you do not have any connections to New Brunswick, you can compensate for that requirement by attending a NBPNP information session or meeting with NBPNP staff at a domestic or international recruitment event in the past two years.

Information sessions are conducted at several locations across the globe. You will find location-wise schedule of these information session in the link below: http://livinginnb.ca/

Anyone who meets the eligibility requirements and expression of interest (EOI) requirements can send EOI but priority will be given to individuals who have work experience in one of the following high demand occupations :

1. Information technology: programmers; analysts; and technical customer support
2. Business and financial analysts
3. Retail trade managers
4. Accounting technicians and bookkeepers
5. Restaurant and hospitality managers; cooks; and chefs
6. Translators (English-French)
7. Manufacturing managers
8. Bilingual administrative assistants (French-English)

2. Apply under Open Category

If your NOC code is on of these : 2171; 2172; 2174; 2175; 2281, then you can apply under Open Category. Note that for some of these NOCs NB requires you to have minimum 3 years experience.

Please check the links to program page and application guide for more details

Once you have established both Program and EOI eligibility, complete the Expression of Interest (EOI) form and email it to entree.express.entry@gnb.ca, along with your most recent CV. Upon receiving your information, NBPNP staff will evaluate your submission and invite the most suitable candidates to apply to the EELMS.

Program page : http://www.welcomenb.ca/content/wel-bien/en/immigrating_and_settling/how_to_immigrate/new_brunswick_provincialnomineeprogram/New_Brunswick_express_entry.html

More details on Eligibility requirements : http://www.welcomenb.ca/content/wel-bien/en/immigrating_and_settling/how_to_immigrate/new_brunswick_provincialnomineeprogram/New_Brunswick_express_entry/EligibilityRequirements.html


Application guide : http://www.welcomenb.ca/content/dam/bitp/pdf/ExpressEntryGuide-E.pdf

Self-Assessment Form : https://www.pxw1.snb.ca/snb7001/e/1000/CSS-FOL-NBPNP-019E.pdf

Express Entry: Labour Market Stream Q & A : http://www.welcomenb.ca/content/wel-bien/en/immigrating_and_settling/how_to_immigrate/new_brunswick_provincialnomineeprogram/FAQs.html

Forum threads ;


[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=15pt]Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP)[/size][/size][/size][/size]

Prince Edward Island has a dedicated stream for Express Entry nominations : PEI PNP Express Entry Stream

Eligibility criteria for PEI express entry stream is the simplest of all EE PNP streams. If you are eligible for one of the Express Entry programs and have active EE profile and job seeker validation code, you simply need to complete the “Express Entry Expression of Interest” form below and email it to expressentry@gov.pe.ca.

Link to PEI “Express Entry Expression of Interest” form http://www.gov.pe.ca/forms/pdf/2889.pdf

Once you have submitted the EOI form, PEI PNP will contact you with further instructions if they are interested in your profile.

[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=15pt]Nova Scotia Nominee Program (NSNP)[/size][/size][/size][/size]

Nova Scotia has 2 streams that are linked to Express Entry

1. Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry
2. Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry

Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry

Before you proceed, note that this stream is no longer accepting applications at this time and has not announced any future reopen dates. Please monitor the website for reopening dates

Minimum requirements:

1. have at least 1 year of skilled work experience in one of NS target occupations (In-demand occupations : list available below);
2. score 67 points or more on the Nova Scotia’s six selection factors (Scoring system available in the application package);
3. have a Canadian high school credential or equivalent ECA;
4. Minimum English or French language score at Canadian Language Benchmark 7;
5. Show Settlement funds as needed by CIC;
6. Active Express Entry profile.

More details here : https://novascotiaimmigration.com/move-here/nova-scotia-demand-express-entry/

You can find full document checklist, scoring system and instructions in the application guide here : https://novascotiaimmigration.com/wp-content/uploads/AppGuide-NSNP-NSDEE-English.pdf

NS target occupations list

Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry stream

Eligibility requirements :

1. Applicants must have at least one year of experience working in Nova Scotia in NOC 0/A/B job.
2. have a Canadian high school credential or equivalent ECA;
3. Minimum English or French language score at CLB 7 (for NOC 0 and A jobs) or CLB 5 (for NOC B jobs);
4. Active Express Entry profile.

More details here : https://novascotiaimmigration.com/move-here/nova-scotia-experience-express-entry/

You can find full document checklist and instructions in the application guide here : https://novascotiaimmigration.com/wp-content/uploads/AppGuide-NSNP-NSEEE-English.pdf

[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=15pt]Newfoundland And Labrador Provincial Nominee Program (NLPNP)[/size][/size][/size][/size]

Express Entry dedicated stream : Newfoundland & Labrador Express Entry Skilled Worker.

Eligibility requirements :

1. Must meet eligibility requirements for one of the programs under Express Entry and have Express Entry profile number and a Job Seeker Validation Code (active EE profile)
2. Score a minimum of 67 points out of 100 on the NLPNP point assessment grid (*This scoring system is similar to FSW 100 points scoring system. You can find the scoring table in the application guide below)
3. Must provide Language test results that match Language test entries in the EE profile
4. Must have minimum education of a diploma, certificate or degree that is comparable to the Canadian education system (ECA required for non-canadian education).
5. Have a full-time job offer from a Newfoundland and Labrador employer that has compensation at par with provincial standards.
6. Must have proof of settlement funds and demonstrate the intention and ability to settle permanently in Newfoundland and Labrador.

More details : http://www.nlpnp.ca/expressentryskilledworker.html
Application guide : http://www.nlpnp.ca/pdf/ExpressEntryGuide1.pdf
Points assessment grid : http://www.nlpnp.ca/pdf/AnnexA_PNP.pdf

[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=15pt]Northwest Territories Nominee Program (NTNP)[/size][/size][/size][/size]

Express Entry dedicated stream : Employer Driven Program - NWT Express Entry Stream

Eligibility requirements : NWT Express Entry Stream is an “employer driven stream” i.e. the employer has to submit an application to the province so that a nomination can be issued. Therefore, both employer and applicant need to meet respective eligibility requirements.

Employer Eligibility and Application Information Requirements (Submitted by the Employer):

1. Candidate's CIC Express Entry Profile Number and Job Seeker Validation Code
2. A valid permanent full-time job offer (30 hours or more : Employment contract signed by the employer and by candidate, and copy of a collective agreement, if applicable.)
3. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation or Business Registration, valid municipal or territorial Business License, Labour Market Impact Assessment or proof of local and national recruitment efforts and summary of results (If no LMIA, see Nominee Program Guidelines).
4. Proof of registration and good standing with Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission (WSCC).
5. Original or certified true copy of nominee’s accreditation translated into English or French
6. Original or certified true copy confirming nominee’s previous work experience, translated into English or French
7. Language test results
8. Copy of the biographical page of the applicant’s passport
9. Marriage certificates, birth certificates and passports are required for dependents that will accompany the nominee
10. Proof of settlement funds or financial supports.

Candidate Eligibility Requirements (Submitted by the Employer):

1. Verification of acceptance into the CIC's Express Entry Pool by providing CIC Express Entry Profile Number and Job Seeker Validation Code.

More details : http://www.immigratenwt.ca/en/northwest-territories-express-entry-stream
Application guide : http://www.immigratenwt.ca/sites/default/files/employer_driven_program_guidelines_-_final_march_11_2016_2.pdf
Checklist : http://www.immigratenwt.ca/sites/default/files/ntnp_02c_express_entry_stream_checklist.pdf

[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][size=15pt]Yukon Nominee Program (YNP)[/size][/size][/size][/size]

Express Entry dedicated stream : YNP Express Entry Program (YEE)

Eligibility requirements :

1. Be eligible for one of the programs under EE : FSW, CEC or FSTP.
2. Have an active EE profile number and Jobseeker validation code.
3. have a valid, permanent, full-time job offer from an employer in Yukon, and plan to live in Yukon.
4. If applicable, demonstrate settlement funds (not needed if applying under CEC)

How it works : A job offer from Yukon employer is needed for YNP Express Entry Program (YEE). Applicant needs to work with the employer and jointly completely the YEE application guide.

The steps involved in using Yukon’s EE system are:
1. The employer finds a suitable foreign national worker.
2. The employer offers a job to the worker after demonstrating there is no Canadian or permanent resident for the position.
3. The worker meets the requirements for one of the three economic immigration programs eligible for EE.
4. The worker completes an online application in IRCC’s EE system and enters the EE candidate pool. The worker obtains an Express Entry Profile Number and, if applicable, a Job Seeker Validation Code.
5. The worker proves that he or she has sufficient settlement funds. (The amount of money required is based on the size of the worker’s family as determined by IRCC.)
6. The employer and worker jointly complete and submit the Yukon Express Entry application form.
7. The worker receives an invitation to apply for permanent residence from IRCC.
8. The worker provides all necessary documents to IRCC to complete the permanent residence application (e.g., criminal record check, medical report).
9. IRCC and Yukon’s Immigration Unit verify the worker’s documents.
10. The worker receives permanent residence, usually within 6 months of receipt of complete and verified application.

More information : http://www.education.gov.yk.ca/express-entry.html

Application guide: http://www.gov.yk.ca/forms/forms/0000/yg6114_e.pdf

Additional reading on Express Entry Provincial Nominee Programs

You can read more about Express Entry Provincial Nominee Programs in the following pages :

While I've put my best efforts to ensure accuracy, it is possible that some of the content may no longer be relevant or PNP webpages are not updated. I would really appreciate it if people who have applied through PNP streams could review the content relevant to their PNPs and highlight any corrections that are needed.

Good luck to all the applicants!


Full Member
Aug 11, 2016
Job Offer........
Can someone tell me when wil the PNP open for any province.
How to get this information when any PNP is going to open? :(


Full Member
Aug 11, 2016
Job Offer........
I have submitted by Express Entry profile with 456 points.
Looks like cut off is not going to come down.
Can anyone tell me what are the options for me. for whcih province am I eligible.
I do not have any relatives in Canada nor I have any work experience in Canada.
Kindly help .


Champion Member
Jul 5, 2016
Job Offer........
ajnj2730 said:
I have submitted by Express Entry profile with 456 points.
Looks like cut off is not going to come down.
Can anyone tell me what are the options for me. for whcih province am I eligible.
I do not have any relatives in Canada nor I have any work experience in Canada.
Kindly help .
Read through the Summary of Eligibility Requirements for PNP: http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/summary-of-eligibility-requirements-for-all-express-entry-pnp-streams-t432937.0.html


Full Member
Aug 11, 2016
Job Offer........
I am eligible for Saskatchewan but how will I get to know when will the PNP open.
I am also eligible for Ontario but it seems they select through express entry only.
so How will I come to know when will Saskatchewan PNP open?


Star Member
Oct 27, 2015
Job Offer........
Hello everyone,

I want to apply for PNP for both Ontario and Prince Edward Island.
I read the guidelines regarding applying for Prince Edward Island (PEI) PNP, I should contact them directly by sending a E-mail with the needed form, does that mean that I do not have to select PEI as the province I am interested in in my Express Entry profile application?

If I need to choose PEI in the profile, will choosing both Onatrio and PEI in the application decrease my chances to be noticed or picked by Ontario?



Hero Member
Feb 1, 2010
Visa Office......
New Delhi
NOC Code......
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ajnj2730 said:
I am eligible for Saskatchewan but how will I get to know when will the PNP open.
I am also eligible for Ontario but it seems they select through express entry only.
so How will I come to know when will Saskatchewan PNP open?
You have to follow their website regularly(I mean daily)


Oct 11, 2016
I have worked for two years after graduating from my BSc, outside Canada. After that, I started studying as MSc and then PhD and have now worked for a bit more than one year after my PhD graduation, again outside Canada. Both of the jobs have been in the same field (same NOC) but are not the same job position of course. Can I count all the three years that I have worked, although there has been a break for studying?
According to what I read on CIC webiste they ask for the following requirements on work experience:
"Skilled work experience:
Your work experience must be:
•at least one year (1,560 hours total / 30 hours per week), continuous full-time or an equal amount in part-time,
•paid work (volunteer work, unpaid internships do not count),
•in the same job,
•within the last 10 years, and
•at skill type 0, or skill levels A or B of the 2011 National Occupational Classification (NOC)."

They mention that it should be continuous and in the same job. I can't fully understand this.
- does it have to be continuous for at least one year, or this applies to the whole work experience?
- what is meant exactly by in the same job? Does it mean the same position or the same type of work/NOC?
I would very much appreciate it if anyone could help with this!


Full Member
Sep 4, 2015
Hi all, I have a question reg work experience..
In CIC website it is mentioned full time = 30hrs/weeks ; 1year of employment = 1560hrs
based on this I have the below question.

I started working from 25th May 2015 till date i worked for 73weeks 3days..

a) as per my agreement if i calculate 40hrs/weeks I've worked for 2920hrs
[1560(1year) + 1160hrs].If I work for 200 more hrs, i will complete my 2years experience by
end of Nov.
b) on an avg. every week i have worked for 50hrs, and I have these hours mentioned on my
pay check.
If I count on this basis (50hrs/week) I have already completed 2years of employment.
c) do we need to calculate our experience based on calendar??
(May2015-May2016=1year and May2016-May2017=2nd year)Huh

How should we enter our experience in EE profile?? considering a/b/c??

Please guys.. need your suggestions/help.
Thank you


Champion Member
Jul 5, 2016
Job Offer........
keiths said:
Hi all, I have a question reg work experience..
In CIC website it is mentioned full time = 30hrs/weeks ; 1year of employment = 1560hrs
based on this I have the below question.

I started working from 25th May 2015 till date i worked for 73weeks 3days..

a) as per my agreement if i calculate 40hrs/weeks I've worked for 2920hrs
[1560(1year) + 1160hrs].If I work for 200 more hrs, i will complete my 2years experience by
end of Nov.
b) on an avg. every week i have worked for 50hrs, and I have these hours mentioned on my
pay check.
If I count on this basis (50hrs/week) I have already completed 2years of employment.
c) do we need to calculate our experience based on calendar??
(May2015-May2016=1year and May2016-May2017=2nd year)Huh

How should we enter our experience in EE profile?? considering a/b/c??

Please guys.. need your suggestions/help.
Thank you
You can only claim work experience for a maximum of 30 hours per week. Even if you worked for 50 hours per week, it still only counts as 30 hours per week.
That's a maximum of 1560 hours per year. You cannot possibly claim more than this.
So in order to claim points for 2 years of work experience, you must have completed at least 3120 hours AND 2 calendar years.