hello Guys
Need help for course
one of friend have done B.A Music ( bachelor of Music) Can anbody please suggest a courses for him in canada
what are the courses available for him
in which he can gey 1000% visa.
As guys above said, nothing guarantees a visa. Getting it is a combination of strong finances, well written sop and a bit of luck.
I would suggest to look at conservatories with a program that offers progression in your friend’s major. And review the curriculum they offer carefully. I know that for music an instructor plays a huge role. So if your friend is for example, graduated with speciality in jazz vocals I would search for schools and find that one instructor who would be curating your friend’s program (for lessons in school and outside of school). If your friend is a genuine student, I am sure they will find what to write in sop to convince VO to approve study permit. I think at that case, a letter from the prospective instructor would be of benefit as a proof that they are going to study under that one person for xy reasons.
(What I said above applies to music majors, not the others)