You can try BUT
Document says
In order to be eligible for restoration under this rule the foreign national must:
-have been in Canada since, and lost status after Jan 30/2020, and more than 90 days ago and
-have applied for restoration under SUBSECTION R182(1)
SUBSECTION R182(1) reads
On application by...student..an officer shall restore that status "IF" following an examination the student meets the initial requirement for the stay**HAS NOT failed to comply with ANY OTHER CONDITIONS imposed
(2)Despite subsection(1) an officer SHALL NOT restore the status of a student who is NOT in compliance with a condition set out in subsection 220.1(1)
The holder of a study Permit in Canada is subject to the following conditions
a They shall enroll at a designated learning institution and remain enrolled at a designated learning institution until they complete their studies,
AND they shall actively pursue their course or program of study
I "think "If you violated any of those conditions expect a refusal