sorry guys I was bit late wasnt at home there ur go support affidavit,
I, xxxxxxxxxxx S/O xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Muslim ,Adult, Resident of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, holding CNIC No.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as under :-
1) That I am the deponent of this Affidavit and fully conversant with the facts mentione herein
2) That I am (Sponsor occupation)
3) That I am father(if sponsor is other than father write his relation to u) of xxxxxxxxx, Holding CNIC No.xxxxxxxx, and residing at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
4) That I have already paid this first year fee (if u have paid first semester fee write accordingly) CAD xxxxxxxxxx (IN words).
5) That during his stay in Canada, I will bear all his travelling, tuition fee,boarding and lodging and other allied expenses.
6) That I am giving my bank statement bearing A/C No.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxx Bank, (bank address) to prove my worth and ability to support to my said SON.(write accordingly with sponsor is not father).
7) I assure you that he will abide by all the rules and regulations of Canadian Government during his stay in Canada.
8) That after completion of his studies he will definitely return back to Pakisan.
That whatever has been stated above is true and correct to best of my knowledge and belief.
City Dated:- DEPONENT

signature) (Name)