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Study Permit Denied - HELP


Oct 10, 2017
Hello everyone!

My name is Eduardo, I'm from Brazil, and 4 days ago I got my study permit rejected. Here are the reasons they checked:
"You have not satisfied me that you would leave Canada at the end of your stay. In reaching this
decision, I considered several factors, including:

1. travel history
2. length of proposed stay in Canada
3. purpose of visit
4. employment prospects in country of residence
5. current employment situation
6. personal assets and financial status"

Let me first explain my situation: I received a scholarship to play volleyball for a college team, and my fees would cost around $3.000~$4.000 a year. This is written in the letter of acceptance, and that the fees were pre-paid. Given this, I wanted your help w/ this:

1 - I can't actually do much about my travel history.
2 - The lenght is given on the letter of acceptance, I can't see why they have any doubts on this.
3 - Again, besides the letter of acceptance, I sent them another letter from the college, saying that they expect me to practice and play with the team, and I thought this should be enough to explain my purpose.
4 - This is where I think I could have given more attention. I didn't upload any document from my job (I give english classes). It's more of an informal job, because I receive by hours worked, so I don't have a pay stub. Should I ask for a document from my boss, explaining I'm working there, and all the details?
5 - Same as above.
6 - How much money should I have in account? My mother is going to support me after the money I have saved ends. On the CiC site, they say I should have the needed for 1 year. How much would that be? Knowing that the fees were pre-paid, that value wouldn't be considered, right? The money I have would be only for housing and food.

They haven't checked any of these, though:

"Pursuant to Section 219 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulation, I am not satisfied that
1. have submitted written documentation from the educational institution at which you intend to study
that states that you have been accepted to study there
2. have sufficient and available financial resources, without working in Canada, to pay the tuition fees
for the course or program of studies that you intend to pursue
3. have sufficient and available financial resources, without working in Canada, to maintain yourself
and any family members who are accompanying you during your proposed period of study
4. have sufficient and available financial resources, without working in Canada, to pay the costs of
transporting yourself and any family members who are accompanying you to and from Canada."

What should I think about this? They check that they are not convinced that I will leave because of my personal assets and financial status but don't check any of these options that say exactly the same thing?

The VO said he/she wasn't satisfied that I would leave Canada after my stay, but my plan is to continue my volleyball career elsewhere, as Canada does not have a professional league. Should I explain this on my letter of intention?

I need to be there on January, and, in order to do this, I was thinking in trying to get a visitor visa and then apply to a study permit when I'm already in Canada. Does anyone think this might work?

Please, every help is appreciated!

Thank you!


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Jun 8, 2010
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- You would want to show a bank balance of at least $10K to show you have the funds to cover living expenses.
- I would not come to Canada and apply from here on a TRV. Lower chance of approval because it's much harder to prove ties.
- When you reapply, you should include evidence that shows proof of ties to your home country.
- For purpose, in addition to playing volleyball, you should explain what you plan to study in Canada and how this aligns to your previous education / experience.


Oct 10, 2017
- You would want to show a bank balance of at least $10K to show you have the funds to cover living expenses.
- I would not come to Canada and apply from here on a TRV. Lower chance of approval because it's much harder to prove ties.
- When you reapply, you should include evidence that shows proof of ties to your home country.
- For purpose, in addition to playing volleyball, you should explain what you plan to study in Canada and how this aligns to your previous education / experience.
- 10k in CAD, right?
- Someone gave me this idea but I thought it's really risky to do so.
- How would that be? Some bank documents from my mom? Some documents from my job?
- Yeah, but by applying to a study permit, I really believed that this is something that should not be explained. Thank you for the advice tho! I will do that!


Champion Member
Aug 18, 2017
Visa Office......
Sept 2, 2017
Did you apply for a CAIPS report?