Hi. I was suppose to give my Biometrics for my study permit application but it was impossible because there is no vacs in my country of residence and borders are closed to travel to nearby countries with vacs. I sent webform letters of explanation to the Immigrations requesting for biometrics letter extension deadline but I didn't receive any response. However, my studies will start this Fall semester and I have been advice by my college to deferred my application.
1. What can I do to get a respond from the Immigrations?
2. How can I withdraw my application without using webform since there aren't any respond from my precious webform letters ?
3. Can I submit another application without cancelling the precious one?
4. How can I request an extension for biometrics letter deadline without using webform as I did last time but no response from IRCC?
Your help will be highly appreciated. Th
1. What can I do to get a respond from the Immigrations?
2. How can I withdraw my application without using webform since there aren't any respond from my precious webform letters ?
3. Can I submit another application without cancelling the precious one?
4. How can I request an extension for biometrics letter deadline without using webform as I did last time but no response from IRCC?
Your help will be highly appreciated. Th