I realized (very late my bad..) that my student permit and student visa are going to expire very soon (12 jul 2017). The problem is that my passport is in process of being renovated too so I can´t apply now for a renovation of my student visa and permit.
Is there any possibility to continue studying until my program finishes? It finishes very soon! in august 18 2017
When it finishes Im planning to go back to my country.
I already tried to talk to an agent but i didn´t have luck.

I realized (very late my bad..) that my student permit and student visa are going to expire very soon (12 jul 2017). The problem is that my passport is in process of being renovated too so I can´t apply now for a renovation of my student visa and permit.
Is there any possibility to continue studying until my program finishes? It finishes very soon! in august 18 2017
When it finishes Im planning to go back to my country.
I already tried to talk to an agent but i didn´t have luck.