Saranjeet, there is a "family info" form in which you must have to mention the details of your family and also if they are married or not. others details like date of birth for your siblings are also required. So, I am just stating a condition that if his brother is married then its less chance that CIC will consider his brother as sponsor.
Secondly its true that as per checklist you just have to show 1st year fees and GIC. I am just elaborating the finances which are not mentioned but are mandatory as best of my knowledge. He has to show the sources of finances if course is of 2 years and extra 2000-3000 CAD for return flight tickets.
I have not anticipated these details and mentioned. I went through the blocks and details to provide assistance.

I am also considering the part that whatever knowledge is shared from whomsoever, one will obviously cross-check those details from their side and not necessarily follow the same that is being mentioned.