Look man..
1st things 1st..
KEEP TRYIN...!!! That goes by default..
coz if u really want this as bad as u shud, then nothing shud stop u from tryin till u get it.. we have seen people goin thru on their 5th n 8th attempt as well here.. search for some eamples n ull feel better..
Dont think u r alone..
Then, doin the same thing again n again will not give u a diff result.. Lets be very clear on that.. u already applied twice with xactly the same case.. U gotta change ur variables here..
By variables I mean:
a different college, a better suiting course, a diff city perhaps if u r up for it, a different duration of the program.
Now.. Im not an expert but my best suggestions to u wud be:
go thru a big agent this time.. someone huge who knows the ropes.. some ppl think big names dont make a difference but here every lil bit can help ur case.. so go ahead n latch on to an agent if u can.. their lil suggestion help a lot.. They will help u in gettin offers from colleges n courses as well.. choosing the right course is very important..
Ur IELTS is fine so i dont think there is much to be done there.. But if u thing u can up the game a lil bit.. no harm in goin for it again if u can push it up to 8 or 8.5.. But keep in mind the 21 days lag.. u still have time though..
They r concerned about ur genuinity as a student.. plus ur backlogs r pullin u down as academic performance.. In ur SOP try n justify ur backlogs, n give detailed info regarding ur plan to come back n work here..
Go to a local Passport office and get urself a PCC. They dont need one but u still go ahead n let them know u have a clear police record as well... gives u a lil bump..
UR finances are fine, so nothin much to be done there..
They need a little more convincing and motivation, go for a straight business management course, wich compliments ur BBA subjects. Include in ur SOP how this new course will add on to ur education and how it will enhance ur prior knowledge, giving one or two specifics examples of subjects..
If u r 100% serious for goin n studying there.. Then consider choosing a course in a less developed or less populated city. International student brings in a lot of forex in an area in terms of fees and living expenses n by default it is taken into consideration by VISA officers.. as in the end more money from outside is always good.. Doing that will up ur chance to a great extent..
Dont oversell urself in a SOP.. they have seen it all n fake over the head statements will question ur honesty..
Senior members can guide u further..
All the very best my fren..