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student visa refusal


Jan 7, 2009

This is Mohsin,i have been refused for student visa for Canada in December 08 on the following basis:

1. I am not satisfied that you would depart from Canada after completing your proposed studies as you do not have sufficient ties to Pakistan to ensure your return.

2. Considering your employment and academic history and the availability of similar programs of study in pakistan, I am not satisfied that your sole purpose for going to canada is to further your education.

i have emailed my answer to them but they didn´t reply, following is the email i sent them:-

Dear Sir,

This in reference to the letter received regarding refusal to my application for study permit to Canada.

The subsequent objections placed by you in the letter are as follows.

1. I am not satisfied that you would depart from Canada after completing your proposed studies as you do not have sufficient ties to Pakistan to ensure your return.

2. Considering your employment and academic history and the availability of similar programs of study in pakistan, I am not satisfied that your sole purpose for going to canada is to further your education.

In regards to the above objections i would like to put forward the following factual points in my defence.

Your first point regarding not having sufficient ties with Pakistan which would lead me back to my home country sound a bit baseless as my whole family which includes my Father, Mother, 2 Brothers and my Sister, reside in Pakistan. Following this, my father´s business, his property, my brother´s property which i duly mentioned in the financial evaluation i forwarded you is also situated in my home country, then your statement claiming my ties with Pakistan seem to be baseless. Further to this is the undertaking i have submitted, making an oath that i will be returning to my home country after completing my studies from Dalhousie university is proof that i will be returning to Pakistan. Hence your point regarding my insufficient ties with Pakistan, in my point of view is not justifiable evidence that you have put forward in my case.

Now considering the second point put forward by your side. First of all i would like to comment on the educational difference in universities residing in Pakistan and in Canada. There is a dearth in terms of the educational level of both the countries. Pakistan does not have a single university in the top 500 universities in the world, which shows how much it lags in this regard. Secondly there is no comparison of the facullty available in both the countries. The industrial based research and lab fascilities available in Canada is also a factor. Also to bring to your notice is the fact that i have applied for Master of Engineering (MEng) in Dalhousie university, which is a industrial project based study not research based study (MASc), the reason i have choosen this industrial project based study (MEng) because in the current senario my country needs Industrial experts more than research experts who can boost up its economy.Therefore i have not opted for the Research based (MASc) program.

In light of the above points i dont know why my application for study permit has been refused, therefore i would be very greatful if you could provide further clarification of your objections or the basis of these objections, you should have conducted an interview if you had any ambiguities, however i would be very greatful if you would call me for an interview now so that i can clarify my point of view and hopefully persuade you to allow me for study permit in Canada.

Waiting for your response.

Could you plz guide me what should i do now...should i apply again with same university again or .....

Plz do reply me, i would be very thankful to you.


Mohsin Raza


Nov 17, 2008
the email u sent them might not count much. the reasons they give u for refusal do not mean anything. they refused u because they r a bunch of idiots.
can u tell me what documents u submitted with ur application and whats ur educational background.
and if u are going for masters i would suggest u apply to a bigger university.


Jan 7, 2009
Thanx very much for your reply.

Following are the document i submitted with my application:

Educational documents:
B.E degree (Electrical Engineering) (NED University...Biggest engineering university of Pakistan)
Internship certificates
SIEMENS employment letter + my pay slips
higher secondary certificate
secondary school certificate
Police clearance Certificate

Financial documents:
Bank statements(around 46000 CAD $)
affidavit of support from my father
father's Business TAX certificate
Attested photocopies Father's Property Documents (3 properties)
Attested photocopies of brother's property

Student declaration(In which i took an oath that i will return to my home country after completing my education)

Please help me out should i apply again to Canada or not...or should i apply to US now...but there is a stamp of application submission of Canadian high commission on my passport.. could it create a negative impression???


Mohsin Raza


Full Member
Aug 20, 2008
Hi mosi raza,

just a question, what did they stamp exactly on your passport? and if they deny you the visa, why would they stamp that in your passport...

please clarify to me as i am applying for student visa soon to canada.



Hero Member
Mar 30, 2008
ahmedj83 said:
Hi mosi raza,

just a question, what did they stamp exactly on your passport? and if they deny you the visa, why would they stamp that in your passport...

please clarify to me as i am applying for student visa soon to canada.

- From my experience the stamp is a file number of the application at the embassy and date. No there is no negative effect of this for your 2nd or 3rd trial of study visa/permit application. I received my study visa on the 2nd trial.
- For the above case my advise will be, when you apply for the second time, submit the copy of the refusal letter and submit the email you sent them. Your email with clarification looks good. Try to proof read it with someone else too. Good luck.


Jan 30, 2009
my name is kunal from india i got canada student visa on 28 th of november they said that i cant satisfy thm that i will leave canada after ma completion of ma study in canada
my statement of purpose was so impressible and i have all funds all original documents which r required for visa and i have applied after ma +2 and 1 year diploma in basics of computer sofware but thet refusse me
me hlp me out
me in depression plsssssssssss


Star Member
Nov 26, 2010
mosi_raza said:

This is Mohsin,i have been refused for student visa for Canada in December 08 on the following basis:

1. I am not satisfied that you would depart from Canada after completing your proposed studies as you do not have sufficient ties to Pakistan to ensure your return.

2. Considering your employment and academic history and the availability of similar programs of study in pakistan, I am not satisfied that your sole purpose for going to canada is to further your education.

i have emailed my answer to them but they didn´t reply, following is the email i sent them:-

Dear Sir,

This in reference to the letter received regarding refusal to my application for study permit to Canada.

The subsequent objections placed by you in the letter are as follows.

1. I am not satisfied that you would depart from Canada after completing your proposed studies as you do not have sufficient ties to Pakistan to ensure your return.

2. Considering your employment and academic history and the availability of similar programs of study in pakistan, I am not satisfied that your sole purpose for going to canada is to further your education.

In regards to the above objections i would like to put forward the following factual points in my defence.

Your first point regarding not having sufficient ties with Pakistan which would lead me back to my home country sound a bit baseless as my whole family which includes my Father, Mother, 2 Brothers and my Sister, reside in Pakistan. Following this, my father´s business, his property, my brother´s property which i duly mentioned in the financial evaluation i forwarded you is also situated in my home country, then your statement claiming my ties with Pakistan seem to be baseless. Further to this is the undertaking i have submitted, making an oath that i will be returning to my home country after completing my studies from Dalhousie university is proof that i will be returning to Pakistan. Hence your point regarding my insufficient ties with Pakistan, in my point of view is not justifiable evidence that you have put forward in my case.

Now considering the second point put forward by your side. First of all i would like to comment on the educational difference in universities residing in Pakistan and in Canada. There is a dearth in terms of the educational level of both the countries. Pakistan does not have a single university in the top 500 universities in the world, which shows how much it lags in this regard. Secondly there is no comparison of the facullty available in both the countries. The industrial based research and lab fascilities available in Canada is also a factor. Also to bring to your notice is the fact that i have applied for Master of Engineering (MEng) in Dalhousie university, which is a industrial project based study not research based study (MASc), the reason i have choosen this industrial project based study (MEng) because in the current senario my country needs Industrial experts more than research experts who can boost up its economy.Therefore i have not opted for the Research based (MASc) program.

In light of the above points i dont know why my application for study permit has been refused, therefore i would be very greatful if you could provide further clarification of your objections or the basis of these objections, you should have conducted an interview if you had any ambiguities, however i would be very greatful if you would call me for an interview now so that i can clarify my point of view and hopefully persuade you to allow me for study permit in Canada.

Waiting for your response.

Could you plz guide me what should i do now...should i apply again with same university again or .....

Plz do reply me, i would be very thankful to you.


Mohsin Raza
Can u tell me did u get study permit visa on your second attempt

John Lock

Star Member
Jul 12, 2016
Hello Mohsin,

I'm really sorry to hear about the refusal. your explanation seems pretty strong. you should include it in your application in 2nd attempt. Best of Luck :)

Bdw did Cic called u for medical?


Hero Member
May 23, 2016
App. Filed.......
John Lock said:
Hello Mohsin,

I'm really sorry to hear about the refusal. your explanation seems pretty strong. you should include it in your application in 2nd attempt. Best of Luck :)

Bdw did Cic called u for medical?
It's a post from 2009! I doubt the original poster is still on this forum!