many seniour member of this fourm say that stouffville college or LSBF do't offer work off campus and its no apportunity for the student that they can work off campus during the study of these colleges...........but i h'v visted the website of stouffville college they show in their website that students can do work off campus weekly 20 h........
please watch the link below and tell me is that true or it is wrong information in website of stouffville college go to the link below and watch PART-TIME-EMPLOYMENT
DO STOUFFVILLE COLLEGE STUDENTS WORK OF CAMPUS(PART TIME JOBS) OR NOT........Please answer with the strong arguments..........
please watch the link below and tell me is that true or it is wrong information in website of stouffville college go to the link below and watch PART-TIME-EMPLOYMENT
DO STOUFFVILLE COLLEGE STUDENTS WORK OF CAMPUS(PART TIME JOBS) OR NOT........Please answer with the strong arguments..........