I've recently been reading the forums. About to apply for PR for my partner. Before reading the forms, the only thing I had read anywhere about using staples in paperwork was in the latest checklist, which states that you are actually required to staple an envelope containing two immigration photos to one of the forms, being careful not to run the staple through the pictures in the envelope.
Then I read on the forum as of not even a year ago (the Q&A thread) that a CIC agent said that no staples whatsoever should be used (as I've read in another thread on the board too). Have the rules changed since November? If so, are staples allowed wherever we find it convenient now? I ask because some of our documents were stapled before we received them, e.g. translations double-stapled overtop corner-folding with a stamp overtop the whole folding/stapling thing, which certainly shows it was stapled to what it was actually stapled to (a certified copy of the original), but if we remove the staples because of some unofficial rule that doesn't appear on the CIC guide anywhere, it would look, in my opinion, a) messy and b) fishy.
I've recently been reading the forums. About to apply for PR for my partner. Before reading the forms, the only thing I had read anywhere about using staples in paperwork was in the latest checklist, which states that you are actually required to staple an envelope containing two immigration photos to one of the forms, being careful not to run the staple through the pictures in the envelope.
Then I read on the forum as of not even a year ago (the Q&A thread) that a CIC agent said that no staples whatsoever should be used (as I've read in another thread on the board too). Have the rules changed since November? If so, are staples allowed wherever we find it convenient now? I ask because some of our documents were stapled before we received them, e.g. translations double-stapled overtop corner-folding with a stamp overtop the whole folding/stapling thing, which certainly shows it was stapled to what it was actually stapled to (a certified copy of the original), but if we remove the staples because of some unofficial rule that doesn't appear on the CIC guide anywhere, it would look, in my opinion, a) messy and b) fishy.