Nirru is probably right. Why would Canada and the United Kingdom share information?

It's not like they have any shared history, similar cultures, related legal institutions, close ties, a common language, or the same Queen
I hope this sentence is meant as a snide remark and, not what you really believe..
This thread is not about visa refusal -- it's about whether lies in other, more important areas of the application will be discovered; probably he is planning to put down different information from his Canadian visa application, and wants to know if it will be cross-referenced.
Somehow many people think that a little (according to them) white lie is okay and that they should not be held accountable for it. They all seem to forget that a lie is a lie and, if caught it gives ample opportunity for a VO to believe that if there is 1 lie then the other things declared could also be a lie. How does a VO differentiate between what is a lie and what is not. Then these people end up getting refused and/or banned and they end up blaming everybody but themselves for the sh_t they are in.