Hi,momi said:First Year Fee + 10000 + 12000 C$ for living + 3000 for traveling and if your wife is accompanying you then you need to show more .........
I can't say any thing about consultant but you can use Academic IELTS for immigration...........ad gopang said:Dear would you tell me process time for us??And is that better to hire consultant please tell me any reliable consultant from karachi(consultancy fees)?Please guide me!. And 1 thing extra would academic iellts help me for immigration?
Hi,ad gopang said:Can student get good remuneration in campus??Is that certain both visas will be approved??There is problem with me i cant go alone so please dont mind to reply i m much obliged to all who co operate and encourage us. And dear momi thanks alot to you aswell.
Looking forward to your replies.