I have a question sort of similar to this - I am in the final stages of getting PR, they sent me a letter today saying it has been found eligible and that I can pay the RPRF fee (YAY), it also says in the letter that if my address changed or if I got married since our last correspondence, then I should let them know at this email address.
I did change my address and get married, but, I told them about my address change in my previous correspondence and they have chosen to ignore it. It says that any new spouse will have to be added to the application and found admissable, but my husband is Canadian so I don't think that matters, because my application was found eligible based on work experience and has nothing to do with being married to him.
The other complicating factor is that if I tell them I have got married they will want proof, it says in this letter they will need a marriage certificate. We only got married in November and you have to wait 90 days for a marriage certificate so I won't have that for probably another month or so and don't want to delay my PR any further waiting for it.
I am going to pay the fee tonight, but don't know whether to just not say anything about the address or marriage situation?? On the other hand I don't know whether to email and tell them in case they find out some other way and think I'm lying or something...