Hello everybody
I am from Argentina, my boyfriend is Canadian, born and race, We are living here as common law more than a year now, in Toronto. I have been here most of this time, but back and forth every 2-3 month from Argentina, only there for a week or so. He is separed (they did the legally agrement, but they are not divorce yet). I am here as Tourist. We are completing the form for spousal Sponsorship and we will be submitting our application by 20th October,
So here is my question
We will present Spousal Sponsorship as Outland, (because I need to travel to Argentina sometime while we do this process )
1 - In the Table of Sposorship of spouse for Argentina does not ask for FORM 5409 about DECLARATION OF COMMON LAW UNION
But im in a Common Law since a year, So Should we complete the form?? where ask about declaran't partner (it's my name)
of (name of city where i born ? Where I live? or Where I am? After In the Contry of
If so it needs to be signed by a Notary ? or ins't necesary ?
He can sponsor me as a common law, becouse we are living for more than a year now, We can apply Outland anyway right?
2 - if we complete the Form 5409 (I think its important to complete becouse I am here. and a have lots things to prove)
How should i complete the other form IMM 0008 On question Number 10 Current Country Of Residence??
Argentina or Canada?? Status??? Becouse Legally i am argentinian Resident but, I was here in Canada taking courses of English and living with him. Should i go for option
3- Also on IMM 0008 Question Number 13 A Current Marital Status should i said In
Common- Law ? In Canada? or just i should say SINGLE, (if i pick option Argentina in Number 10 ? Date of Common Law start ?? Is when I came here to start to live with him the day from when we sign a Agreement Lease??? I met him a year ago before we start living together,
4- Contact Information Should be in Canada ?? Where i'm now, or Should be in Argentina, Becouse I'm here as Tourist, but in a month i will be back for maybe a week or so. Could be one mailing address Argentina and residencial in Canada?? I will give my email to.
Because if I'm supposed to live in a common law, i am not there as a single, please help me!
Sorry but this became confused to me, thanks for your help.
Also i wanted to say, I have done already my medical exams, criminal records, etc, etc. and i have been translated them here legally.
Thanks a lot in advance.