mine says:
1.We received 's application for permanent residence on June 2, 2015.
2. We started processing 's application on August 11, 2015.
3. Medical results have been received.
it was only #'s 1 and 3 since last Wednesday, and then today when my husband check the email ( also check your spam/junk folder fyi) he got an email saying they assigned a fike number for him and they have started processing his application for PR on Aug 11 but somehow there was a part on his email that was highligted and said that:
At the end of this document is a request for additional documentation required within 30 days.
Once you have complied with this request, if any additional information or documentation is required to assess your application, we will contact you or your designated representative.
Please note that the documentation requested in this letter is required even if you receive a subsequent letter from our office asking for additional documentation.
but we looked at the attachment and it was only showing the "government of Canada logo" that we see on all their correspondence.
anybody had the same issue? because we don't wanna be missing a doc that we were supposed to submit in the 30 day period if there ever was.