I believe the following is what LVO deems to be a simple, straightforward, normal case for Pakistan spousal applications. Normal and straightforward applications do not require a lawyer, imho.
1)All documents and forms submitted as per checklists. (Emphasis on Urdu nikkah nama with translation, being the key document. Submission of original urdu nikkah nama is preferred IMO even if only copy is required. We get 3 original copies so we can afford to lose one.)
2)All forms fully completed and explanations given clearly.
3)First marriage for both husband and wife. Husband is older then wife, 10 years and under age difference.
4)Arranged Marriage
5)Families know each other before marriage. Families have some kind of relation either direct, long-time family friendship, or other relation/affiliation you can explain
6)Parents and at least 1 or 2 other family members of sponsor travel to Pak for the wedding ceremonies
7)All ceremonies mendhi, nikkah, ruksati completed, walima optional
Big wedding/ruksati 200+ guests at an actual Marriage Hall being the main one.
8)Ruksati Pictures showing happy couple with male and female family members from both sides.
9)Pictures after the ruksati at outings showing happy couple with family members from both sides. A few selfies for some reason LVO loves em.
10)Sponsored person lives in one of the larger cities of Pakistan ie Isb, Pindi, Lahore, Karachi. Or Gulf countries.
Nikkah nama document should be issued from the union council of one of the large Pak cities.
11)Cohabitation 1-4 weeks after which the sponsor (husband or wife) go back to Canada for employment or school
12)Sponsor has established residency in Canada through any one or more of the following: personal lease or home ownership, living in family owned/leased home, employment or university/college attendance, has assets ie bank accounts, RRSP, car, tax returns
13)Application submitted right away ie within 1-5 months of marriage date.
14)Sponsored person has very limited or no travel history especially if husband.
15)No TRV refusal or other country visa refusal because they will have to scrutinize why a fellow visa officer refused to grant visa previously. Even though it’s a different type of visa, it’s like they have to overrule the previous officer. It will cause scrutiny and delay. (With the shorter processing times now, TRV app should only be attempted if sponsor visit is not possible.)
If you can check off all these points you should get straight PPR (no doc request) in 6-10 months now, IMHO. Again you probably don’t need a lawyer in these cases.
If your case has any deviations from what was listed, they will scrutinize your application more. Feel free to critique. I don’t mind nor do I ever take anything personally. Just try to avoid getting triggered or emotional, it does one no good.