Hi everyone. This will probably be my final post. Mubarak to everyone whose cases are complete or nearing completion. For those who are still waiting, may Allah make the process quick and grant everyone patience, ameen.
Thank you again and again to the admins and to everyone who selflessly spends time on this forum to help strangers out. I'm a calm person but even I reached a point of utter panic, and if it wasn't for everyone on this forum, things would've been way rougher for me. May Allah grant His special favour and blessings on all you amazing people, ameen! I especially wanna thank
Kinzabee, LandingPR, and MM345 for all their help and support.
My hubby landed on Dec. 3rd, literally just hours before our baby was born lol! It was nothing short of a miracle. He arrived in Toronto and the entire process of landing, collecting bags and immigration etc. took less than an hour, though I think this is an exception and it usually takes longer.
I'm still trying to process everything. It seems unreal and I'm still trying to absorb it all and get a grip on reality.
I wish I had time to stay on the forum and keep offering support, but there's too much going on and I won't be returning any time soon.
You're all in my prayers. For those still waiting, just keep in mind that it'll all be over one day and you'll be reunited with your spouse, inshaAllah. This will all be a small glitch in time compared to the many years you'll spend together.
Fee amanAllah