chucky44 said:
can some help me with question 4 to 6 my wife it her first sponsor need help asap
4 - yourself - you put 1 - as the sponsor
5 a) - 1 if it is just her your spouse - or if there are dependents/children the total number of people included in your application - it should be the same amount as box 3 on the IMM0008.
5 b) - you said this is her first sponsorship? So if she has never sponsored anyone before not other family - than put 0 in all of these.
6 a) - unless she is still legally married to another person, this would be a 0 as well
6 b) - so this would be Canadian residents, or family not applying to come, who are financially dependent on her - such as her own children, or family including parents who she financially supports.
7) Add the total so if it is just you and her, you should have a 1 in question 4 and a 1 in question 5 a), so here you put 2.
hope this helps a little.