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Sponsoring a spouse from Egypt


Hero Member
Apr 26, 2008
NOW I will rant! WTF is up with Egypt!!!!?? I am seeing people who applied AFTER me get their file sent to other offices fast and they get the PPR sooner!!?? This makes no sense! Someone said racism to me, is it really that christians get their files processed sooner than muslim - ya salam, I would HOPE not - that's just ridiculous!!! And unfair!!

And look at sites like ND that are completely done in three months! from CIC-M to finish!!!! or LONDON even, same thing!!! I am in the process almost four months now!!

I am happy for those who are done really - but it's bittersweet because of the above, just disgusting really. Even I haven't heard from the MP's office - it's been two weeks today. Ya rab!


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2008
Welcome to Egypt sweety :( I don't care how wonderful other ppl have said this office is because I frankly am not convinced! I have had nothing but horrible experiences in there and dealing with them... both visa side and consulate side.. They think they are God's gift and that we are lowly scum.. God forbid you marry .. That's why I'm not ecstatic about getting a PPR .. who cares?! means nothing when it comes to this office.. I am with you completely.. how is that other offices are efficient and fair and we are sitting here picking our noses! I truly believe they are racist there.. its the whole stigma between the copts and the muslims.. ppl can deny it all they want but its there I've seen it.. EFF them all really.. I can't wait to get back home and find some way to formally complain about them all!!!!!!!!

I'm embarassed to call myself a Canadian in Egypt when I see other countries treating egyptians fairly and courteous and WITH A FREAKING SMILE!!! can you believe that?! I dont blame my husband for being bitter..


Jul 14, 2009
Hi..i am new to this forum..i am from Canada and my husband is in egypt...now...we were married in 2007 and i came back here...and started the procedure of spousal sponsership... i am a older woman married to younger man. i was approved in Feb.2008 and the papers were sent to Cario..and they started to process his papers on April 17, 2008..it took till June 23,2009 for them to notify him of interview..he attended this interview and most the questions were of me...being older woman...how can a older woman love a young man vise versa...i thought it was so unfair....i wasnt there to defend myself...i love this man and he loves me...how are you to show them this marriage is real.i am going crazy now...questions i thought they would ask ..they didnt...they told my husband he still has time to find new wife and have family..i thought this was so disgraceful of them saying that...our marriage is real.not a joke..i dont know if anyone went through that..i need some guidance here...i dont know...what is going to happen...i sent copies of our chatting and letters ..cards..all things....they wanted to look into our private chatting now...to see what we talked about... showing he had dealings with my family members.i find this intrusive now.... but i did show them..alot of our talking and what we were talking about...i just want to be with my husband..thats all....i know people play games with the system and abuse it...but not us...we met we fell in love....we were joined as man and wife..in egypt..our marriage is real...help me...plz


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2008
hi magicblue.. first welcome to the egypt thread you are not alone :)
Im really sorry to hear that you have gone through so much already with the visa office. If you don't mind me asking how much of an age gap are we looking at? I recall a guy from another forum having an interview with 2 women in the room and they were concerned about the age as well.. Im not sure if this is your husband or someone completely different. Anyway.. my suggestion is.. as crap as it is.. give them EVERYTHING you can get your hands on to show the legitimacy of your relationship with your husband.. Be as personal as possible.. you want to be together and unfortunately our private dealings become public for the IO. Have you come to visit your husband since his interview? Provide them with copies of your passport and boarding pass.. provide pictures if you went again... try to get letters from your family members stating they are aware you are in a happy marriage to your husband and can't wait to have him there. Write a heartfelt letter.. get your husband to write one too.. about how you truly feel about each other.. tell them how much it hurt to hear that he was suggested to find another.. dont hold back.. they want to see the reaction.. i hope your husband reacted harsh against that statement.. they say things to provoke you to see how you will respond .. I dont know the complete story so I'm just saying what comes off the top of my head.. if you want more let me know.. we are here for you.. lately it's just been Rasha and myself but I'm sure there are others lingering not posting :)
Take care!


Jul 14, 2009
thanks Boncuk...i did write this officer a letter after my husbands interview...about her questions to him..that day...i am like 24 years older than him...just to let you know..but i was most upset...with her words to him..about my age...its like she dissed me...this marriage is real.how i can prove that to her...i was in car accident in 2008 and i am still under drs care..and i am making all efforts to continue working...and i cant travel to egypt..now..until my dr..tells me i can do that....i did supply copies of our talking...omg..why they want to hurt us like this...and i did tell her in words..how she can tell my husband he can still find young woman to make family...that is so uncalled for...he loves me..he entered into a premade family....and i of course said age discrimination...i have wrote her a letter as he did..and we sent it in to her office...and hoping that God will see this through.i wont divorce my husband this marriage is real...why they think he is bad person ..he is from good family he isnt using me for papers...he told her that...as i did...i maybe older but not stupid..we are suffering from what others do that are bad....why is it old men are allowed to marry young girls.and a young man cant find happiness in a older woman..its beyond me.to understand there logic...but anyways she did write back to me.to apolgy..for her words..and was sorry to hurt our feelings...but i want my husband here with me...its my right...they can come to our home..to see we are living a real marriage....i am be older..but i make my husband happy....and i feel good with this..so i found love with a young man....what is the crime in this...why???


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2008
magicblue.. thanks for sharing your story.. really I feel for you.. after you wrote what you did I hope the IO will see how you feel. The fact that they apologised is a good sign in my opinion. Did they request anything else from your husband? Are they waiting for something else from you both? I think you have done all that you can.. unfortunately your future is in your IO's hands. But if for this reason they feel they need to deny you and your husband you do have a chance to appeal it. This would give you more than enough chance to speak to them about how you feel, with lots of supporting evidence to show that you are in a genuine marriage even if there is a big age difference. You have to put yourself in their shoes and think of all the reasons why they think this would not be a marriage of convenience. Beyond the love, what you two see in each other, what sort of support system do you give each other.. what does he have to offer him and what do you have to offer him.. You can talk all in emotion but they are thinking logically. So you have to do the same. I pray that things get resolved for you without the appeal. This is beyond the normal timeline. When did he do his medicals and did you pay all the fees upfront? What does his ecas say at this moment... If they ask him to redo his medicals and police certificates that is a positive sign. Anyway we are here for you and I'm sure other members will help you out as well.


Jul 14, 2009
Hi..Bonouk thanks for your kind words...when he went into this interview ..he took a updated police certificate..an updated internet talking and pictures of his family...and email..and cards and letters i sent him....and our original marriage certificate....i also forgot to say....this lady told him..its not to late..to find a young woman and have family.that was so insulting ...and uncalled for....we will not divorce our marriage is real...i guess its all in God's hands now...i did write her another letter and he wrote a long one too....and we sumitted more internet talking we did...if he was after papers....to get here.i would have caught on long time ago...but he is a good man.with family values and is a law biding citizen...as i am here...we both work hard...if he is ony for papers why is it..he is working supporting himself...and never asks me for money....if he was bad he wouldnt be working and asking me for money....omg.i think i am going crazy trying to figure out this system...we suffer...form ones that abuse the system.i shouldnt have to give up my country as a result of thinking..i wont divorce...he loves me to much as i love him...but anyways.thanks for your words to me...hope you have a great day...blessings to you....


Jul 14, 2009
Hi ..Maria2..;nice to hear from you today..when my husband went into interview on june23, 2009 he was with one lady only....she said things...and i had no choice to respond to her...with a letter....she told him ..he still had time to find younger woman.to have children..that upset me so bad....so i told her my business...and she replied to me..with a apolgy....i understand ..they would challenge us on age...but to say to my husband...get younger woman was going to far...i have nothing to gain here...i just want..my rights.and that is to be with my husband....we did submitt..for chatting...i cant travel to him..cause last year i was in car accident..and i am still on the mend..under drs care..i cant travel far...i told her this...in this letter.untill the drs..gives me permission to make such a long trip...i have trouble just going to work...6 hours a day....but i have to do it..to pay my bills..my husband doesnt support me..i do that on my own..as he does in egypt.....as you know the wages are not good.there....for people that work so hard ....there...but its nice to talk to people that go through things which i thought i was the only one...i dont know how long it will take to hear there final judgement...we both submitted long letters...expressing our feelings....if they say no..i will appeal of course...but why all that...i just love him..and want to have a life..with him..as God promised us...thats all.....have a great day...


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2008
Can I ask both of you what are your backgrounds.. are you Egyptian as well or Canadian from birth or immigrated from somewhere else. I think maria2's husband was posting before as attractive or something as I do remember the story of 2 women in the interview. You both do have very similar stories.. What are your timelines? When and how did you receive the AOR from Cairo by email or letter in the mail? Your interviews were about a month apart so how long total has it been now? The only thing I can think of is that you didnt supply them with enough information at the beginning so the interview was necessary to clarify things. Unfortunately in magicblue's husbands case the interviewer didnt show professionalism in her comments. I suggest you both order CAIPS to see what is going on in your files and see if they are refusing or waiting on something. This late into the process you really have no choice but to wait and see if they make any more requests.


Jul 14, 2009
Hi..Boncuk....nice to hear from you..i wanted to let you know..i am canadian...by roots....okay....and my husband is egyptian...when he went into interview..he was contacted..by cell phone..for the time and place of interview in Cairo...i went online to immigration.and it was posted as a update....he supplied to them...all the things they asked for...and the took the police document all all others things......i am not familar..with CAPIS....at all.i know my husband is well educated.and is a Microsoft Tech...he is teaching in egypt now...till he hears the verdict.but i made arrangements for him..to upgrade his english in LINK Classes..here..upon his arrival...also i planned the health care..and medicne..and dental..but i cant enforce anything untill i know what is happening...i will take your advice and wait this out..i guess.i am dying.inside...myself...cause i dont know...how long it will take now..for them..to tell us..but i will appeal this...decision if they say no....i have a right to defend myself...for my life...and happiness..they arent God...i must stand firm in what i believe..and have faith....but anyways..wish you a good night..thanks for you words.....


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2008
Search in this forum for CAIPS and I do recommend you get them.. if you are really concerned about what is going on in your application you will have some piece of mind and you will see what the IO has written about your case and the interview and also when they will look at it again.
Here is a website offering general info on it.


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2008
Ummmm ok.. if that was me I wouldnt leave everything to a lawyer.. I would fight everyone to get my husband there.. but thats just me :)


Hero Member
Mar 13, 2008
Well Magic blue! I am sorry to hear ur story.

I would prepare for the appeal anyways. I am not saying you would get rejected or anything but it is nice to prepare early for it just incase it happens.

You have to arm yourself with solid evidance. My sister went through this so I know her appeal evidance was more than a 1000 pages long.

here is a list of evidance that my sister submited.

1. screen prints from yahoo chat webcam ( had the date on it) for a long periiod. I know it may sound repeptive but to believe u you have to work on ur relationship. If you guys talk regurally then this proves this.

2. letters from family and friends. to support your marriage.

3. evidance to prove ur hubby's education and that he is well off in Egypt. Ie he didn't need you to get a better life or something like that. If he has money in the bank, etc. showing photos of his apartment if it is nice etc.

4. My sister went to visit him 2 times for a period of a month each time. So 2 months visits and took lots of trips and photos.

5. gifts.. greeting cards.... letters... receipes for flowers... he can do this from egypt.... by ordering flowers online...

think about anything evidance like. You urself don't have to do everything. Internet is free... he has to do more than internet.... to prove that he is comitted to you...

6. now did he give u shabka ( necklace... braclet..etc)... they usually give those in egypt.. even if the man is poor or doesn't have lots of money... trust me they come up with money... if the wife is egyptian she wouldn't marry without those... get the receipes... they are not that expensive... u can get a set of really nice white gold rings (wedding ring and wedding band)for less than 200 bucks...

now thing evidance evidance evidance... even if it is small...

also as boncuk suggested ... u should order caips asap...u will know exactly what is they are thinking abour ur applicaiton... also get ur mp to call and ask.. he will give u valuable information...

you have been waiting for way too long... u should use ur mp and he will tell u what is wrong..

also incase of an appeal.. make sure to provide good evidance... get a good lawyer...also... explain ur case to the judges when u are asked to speak... ..speak about everything u are thinking things like why u think it is not fair for them to make those judgments about u and him...etc....

I would like to know what kind of evidance did u submit in the first place? Please let me know!


Hero Member
Mar 13, 2008
hey maria2

u are writing in the other forum as well.. and yes i wouldn't leave everything for the lawyer... u should do it urself.. the lawyer doesn't know ur situation....


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2008
I think Fairouz is right! You don't know what you are doing.. different names.. same bad english.. your story is the same though... lol

ANDDDD I never called anyone LAZY so stop being so dramatic lol

ALSO everyone here is here for helping each other.. if you cant appreciate it then you are in the wrong place.. you may as well stick to yourself.. we dont need anymore negativity in this thread!